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Help! Switched From Old To New Typeform, and it Erased ALL Logic!

Hi, I’ve been working on a very long Typeform with many questions and lots of logic parameters. Today I made the switch to the new Typeform, but in the process the form lost all of its logic! And I can’t go back to the old Typeform. Very sloppy... Fortunately, I made a backup copy of it, so I can manually copy the logic. But this will be a lot of work! Question: is there a way to retrieve the logic from the original, so that I don’t have to manually copy it over? It’ll be many hours of work, I’ll appreciate it very much if this can be avoided. Thank you.

Hi, hopefully this hasn’t been answered here before. I tried looking but couldn’t find a similar question.

I have one very long Typeform, it’s an exam with many questions (at least 120) and lots of logic jumps. It’s practically finished, but it has a logic bug at the very end, which I suspect is due to the large amount of questions. (Has anyone else experienced this?) So, I am interested in the new Typeform because I’m hoping that it fixes this bug. My problem is that my form didn’t update automatically into the New Typeform. Since my form has so many questions, it would take me many hours to recreate it from scratch. So, if Typeform could automatically update all older forms into the new one version, it would be much convenient.

Typeform team: Please let me know if this is automatic update is expected to happen, or if I have to create a new Typeform and manually recreate all questions and images from scratch. (Ouch!!!) Thank you for your assistance.

Update: I found out how to do this. I switched the old Typeform to the new Typeform, but in the process the form lost all of its logic! And I can’t go back to the old Typeform. Very sloppy... Fortunately, I made a backup copy of it, so I can manually copy the logic. But this will be a lot of work! Question: is there a way to retrieve the logic from the original, so that I don’t have to manually copy it over? It’ll be many hours of work, I’ll appreciate it very much if this can be avoided. Thank you.

Hi @Luiz_M. Welcome to the Typeform Community! 


The logic should be updated as well. Can you click on "Logic" (right side), "Advanced" and "Branching and calculations"? The set up should appear there :hugging:


Image 2021-07-07 at 9.36.21 AM


Let us know how it goes! Have a good one. 

Hi Mariana, thanks for your answer. Nope, all gone. It was days of work… Any other solutions? Thanks...

Actually, weirdly, it isn’t ALL gone. About 30% of it remained, at the end of the form. Strange. Like I said, my form is huge though, this isn’t your average 10- or 20-question survey. There’s gotta be at least 120 questions here.

hi @Luiz_M Apologies for the delay here. If you haven’t already, I’d have our support team take a further look into this to see what happened since they can access your form directly. You can contact them from your email here, and keep us updated on anything they say!

Hi, thank you for your answers. For some reason, it took a day or two for the form to include all my logic. Everything is back, it just took a while. All is good now. Thank you.

Hi @Luiz_M Ah, glad to hear! If there’s anything else we can help with, let us know. :grinning:
