How can I stop my logo overlapping the question and image when scrolling? | Community
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How can I stop my logo overlapping the question and image when scrolling?

  • September 10, 2024
  • 3 replies


When scrolling on mobile, or when viewing in a smaller desktop window, my logo overlaps the question content (text or image). 

Is it possible to prevent this? Ideally the logo would stay at the top and disappear above the fold when the person scrolls down.



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • September 10, 2024

Hi @Wellbeing of Women Do you mind sharing the URL where you have the form embedded so we can take a look? Thanks in advance!

Liz wrote:

Hi @Wellbeing of Women Do you mind sharing the URL where you have the form embedded so we can take a look? Thanks in advance!

Hi @Liz , I separately got a reply from tech support via email who told me this is expected/intended behaviour. I can’t share a link as the project isn’t live yet, but this happens on every Typeform where a logo is added, where there’s enough content to allow scrolling down, so the logo goes on top of the content.

Can a feature request be added please to change this, so logos in the header don’t overlap the page content? Either via an opaque background panel for the whole header, or by stopping the logo being ‘sticky’ to the top of the viewbox?

Tech support’s solution of making the background of the logo transparent is against our brand guidelines, and left-aligning the logo won’t fix the problem on mobile.




Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • September 18, 2024

Hi @Wellbeing of Women Oh that’s good to know - thanks for sharing! And I’ll add this as a feature request. Thanks for sharing your feedback! If you think of any other questions or feedback, please let us know!
