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Quiero hacer una pregunta con respuestas multiple opción pero al final dejar un casillero para que el usuario rellene con información, que escriba la información y no que indique “otro” como opción. Alguien sabe hacerlo? 


--Google Translation --

I want to ask a question with multiple choice answers but at the end leave a box for the user to fill in with information, to write the information and not to indicate "other" as an option. Does anyone know how to do it?

I want to ask a question with a multiple choice answer and a final open-ended question for the respondent to fill in. 

Hi @Marijo.puebla.ferro Thanks for stopping by! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my translation and reply in English. 

The ‘other’ field is the only open-ended field we provide within that question, but you could add a short-text answer right after the multiple choice question. If you would like them to appear as the same question, you could add them both into a question group

Would that work for you? 

Hi @Marijo.puebla.ferro Thanks for stopping by! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my translation and reply in English. 

The ‘other’ field is the only open-ended field we provide within that question, but you could add a short-text answer right after the multiple choice question. If you would like them to appear as the same question, you could add them both into a question group

Would that work for you? 

OMG, what a quick response, thank you! 
However, I have another query: I can't place the two question options (multiple choice and short answer) on the same sheet. Could you explain me how to do it, please?

Hi @Marijo.puebla.ferro It isn’t possible to show multiple questions at the same time, but you could add them both into a question group so they are categorized under the same question in general. 
