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Is it possible to copy a question from one typeform and move it to another?

I have two typeforms and I would like to copy some questions from one to the other. Just copying the questions I need would be the easiest, but if I could merge the two and delete the ones I don’t want, that would be OK too, 

Thanks for the feedback, @AroNatSki ! If you haven’t already, I would definitely suggest duplicating the form as a workaround in the meantime. 

@Liz Add my +1 for this feature: copy/moving a single question from one form to another. The problem with the “duplicate the form” workaround is that assumes I am starting a new form or I am at the beginning of the process. The use case is more like: I have several variations of existing feedback forms. I want to reuse a few questions from one existing form to another existing form. Maybe I like the way the questions were written more in a newer version. Maybe there is a set of questions I don’t want to have to re do. Either way, duplicating the form does me no good.

hey guys its been a year and no practical answer to this request, are you really interested in give us a real solution?

Hi @maikrp thanks for stopping by to add your +1 to this feature request. And if you have any use case examples this can be super helpful to us as we keep feeding it back to the product team 🙏

For now, it’s still the workaround that Liz suggested earlier in the thread, but if anything changes we will post here and keep everyone updated! 

I would love a sandbox/question bank to be added!  That along with the ability to copy and paste questions from one Typeform to another would be invaluable to me and our small company!


I would like to copy multiple questions and paste them in the same form.  How do I do this?

Hi @Lawrence S If you’re copying from another form, we don’t have this feature, but you could duplicate the form and then remove the questions you don’t need. 

Hi Liz, 

Sorry I wasn’t clear.  I am looking to copy multiple questions at the same time and paste them in the same form.  Is this possible?  Right now, it is only allowing me to copy one question at a time.



@Lawrence S - unfortunately it only works one question at a time.. 

one option is to create a question group and put all the questions you want to copy into that question group. then you can duplicate the question group (all the questions) … and you can drag individual questions out of that question group into the sequence where you want it.. 


just a thought



How hard is copy and paste that in 2 years or more, it’s still not possible in the platform?

to enter in a new/existing form

HI @sagi I moved your post here where we have the answer. One suggestion would be to copy the entire form and then remove the questions/logic jumps you don’t need. 

as I see it (and wish for it to be) - copying a section of a existing form (one Q or more), should work in a simple way of copy and past. and apply the same border rules which are applied when inserting a new question in an existing form. I hope i am not missing any complexity in the process (though I guess I am), writting this. but it should be as simple as that. 
as was written above, sometimes we just upgrade and existing form and just want to apply this new innovations into other frms we have. 

Hi @sagi thanks for the feedback - I’ll share this with the product folks. 😀

Yes - the is a bit of a nightmare! I basically want to merge two multi-question forms and … oh dear!

Given the cost of the platform and the time this will take, its prompted me to look elsewhere.

The Typeform team may want to think of this as a barrier to customer-retention 

Hi @doctordjbrown Thank you so much for sharing this feedback - I’ll pass it along to the product team. 😀

Hi Liz,

I have just reviewed the features of typeform and considering a paid service (business level). However, I will need this “copy question” feature as well. Make your tech team solve it, or you will lose customers, existing and new ones, like me.

And please don’t answer that
1. “I’ll pass it along to the product team” - you have done that several times before without any result, just making your existing clients angry.
2. “Copy the entire form” - That is not a solution for the problem and the request, as many your existing clients already pointed out!

Tell me when this feature will be available instead. Your existing clients asked this two years ago….. Solve the problem!



Hi @laszlo.makay Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback. This feature is not currently on our roadmap, I’m afraid, so I cannot provide you with a date when this will be created. 

If you’d like to share your use case, I’d be happy to share that with the product team so they have more information as to why this feature would be helpful. 

Just asking, there has been a lot of chat about implementing questions from the one form to the other. Myself would like to combine two and more typeforms to one bigger one. Is it still after all these years (?) not possible to combine forms and have them merge so it becomes one? Would save tons of time.. 


Hi @Marion Tuin I’m afraid we don’t have this feature, but if you haven’t already, you could duplicate one of the forms and remove the questions you don’t need. 

Yes, this is something that really frustrates me with Typeform - it seem such an obvious feature to have!

I have sets of questions for academic research in different Typeforms. So duplicating one Typeform is not the solution and for me it means a long and painful process of individually copying questions over (this is more than 30 questions and could be more). A question bank would be such a useful feature for anybody who produces more than the occasional survey...I am not holding my breath on this one (and out of necessity am looking at different options).

Yeah, that’s fair, @AndyHab . Thanks for sharing your use case on this - it definitely helps the product team understand a bit more on why the feature is important to users! I’ll pass this along to them. 😀

Just adding to the chorus here of how useful this feature would be. Feels like a standard expectation at this point, so strange it hasn’t been prioritized.

I have two typeforms and I would like to copy some questions from one to the other. Just copying the questions I need would be the easiest, but if I could merge the two and delete the ones I don’t want, that would be OK too, 

I completely share the frustration. I have full API integrations set up with Typeform, and I had three other test Typeforms that I used to experiment with different question formats. Now, I want to incorporate some of those questions into my current Typeform. Especially with the introduction of the picture multiple-choice feature, I'm having to redo hours of work. This process has been extremely tedious. It's surprising and disappointing that after years of customer feedback and requests to the product team, no action seems to have been taken to address this issue.

that’s not fare - we choose typeforms bc we believed in you guys. forms take so many hours to build. we are invested in it. you should understand this.
