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Is there a list question for client to enter details for a specific list?

  • 31 July 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi all :)

I have many questions that start with “List your top 5 ….” and I’d like to present the responder with a list of 5 blank one line text boxes for them to create a list. Is there a list question that can do this?

At the moment I’m using a text box but one text box after another ends up being too boring and mundane for people.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :)


Hi @Kosta, that’s a great question!
The answers need to be separate items? I had a similar issue in the past, and the workaround that worked for me was using a long answer field. People would write the 5 itens in the same field, using Shift ⇧ + Enter ↵ to make a line break. Again, this would work only if you don’t need the answers to be separated, for example, if you want to use each one of the five itens to trigger a different ending, etc.

Do you think this would do the trick?

Hi @Paulo,

The text box answers, short and long, are essentially the catch-all in this case. It’s cleaner and easier for the respondent to have a list of X number of items to fill in when we ask a list question.

All we need is a Matrix question with a one line text box as the answer :)

Is this s feature coming out soon?

Cheers :)

Hi again, @Kosta ! I’d suggest adding your request to the post below for some extra visibility! :grin: This isn’t something our product team is working on, I’m afraid. 


Hi @Liz, 

Thanks for the update. I’m surprised that it’s not on the list, that’s disappointing as it shouldn’t be hard to have multiple short text box answers on the one page.

I’ve added my request to the link provided.

