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Is there a way to duplicate a typeform with notification emails?

  • 26 February 2021
  • 16 replies


I have created a typeform that generates a fairly complex email notification for respondents. I need to use this as a master template for many events but when I duplicate the form it does not also duplicate the email.

Is there a way of being able to duplicate the form maintaining all settings?



16 replies

Userlevel 7
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I had that happen as well, @Ella . If there’s isn’t a way to automatically copy the email details over, I did a copy and paste then went through and made sure all the recalls were active (it only came over as text vs. recalls). 

I know that’s not very helpful but it’s a workaround if the ideal solution isn’t available. 

I had that happen as well, @Ella . If there’s isn’t a way to automatically copy the email details over, I did a copy and paste then went through and made sure all the recalls were active (it only came over as text vs. recalls). 

I know that’s not very helpful but it’s a workaround if the ideal solution isn’t available. 

Hi Vicki,

Thanks so much for your reply! Yeah that is a good option if there is no other way. Just that this form has so many recalls it would be much easier if all the settings got carried over too.

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it :relaxed:

Userlevel 7
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I had that happen as well, @Ella . If there’s isn’t a way to automatically copy the email details over, I did a copy and paste then went through and made sure all the recalls were active (it only came over as text vs. recalls). 

I know that’s not very helpful but it’s a workaround if the ideal solution isn’t available. 

Hi Vicki,

Thanks so much for your reply! Yeah that is a good option if there is no other way. Just that this form has so many recalls it would be much easier if all the settings got carried over too.

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it :relaxed:

My pleasure, @Ella . I hope you get it to work - automation is an amazing time saver!!

Userlevel 7
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Userlevel 2
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When I duplicate a typeform, the notifications don’t copy across, which means I have to spend time replicating them. Am I missing something here, or doing something wrong?

Userlevel 7
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Hello @Mappyd! Welcome to the Typeform Community! 

I've moved your question to this topic where @vickioneill offered a workaround for this issue. Let me know if this works for you! 

Userlevel 2
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Ummm, thanks but not really as the vast majority of the notification is populated by the recalls and not text, so copy/paste text isn’t that useful. Perhaps your clever developers could fix this, so that when a typeform is duplicated, it’s actually duplicated.


Hi guys,

When duplicating a typeform… it would be great if you’re also able to duplicate the follow-up. I’m creating multiple applicant forms for my clients and now I have to copy/paste the follow-ups all the time.


Any chance to develop this? I would be forever grateful 🙏

Userlevel 7
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Hi @stefmartens I added your post here so you can follow along for any updates! I’m afraid we don’t currently have this feature available. 😓

Is this feature on the roadmap…?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @stefmartens It’s not at the moment, but that could always change! The product team has been moving fast recently with working on some highly requested features. 😀

Ok, but I can not imagine that I’m the only one with this challenge.

I can imagine that it’s not a top priority, but hopefully it will -at least - be on the roadmap soon...

Userlevel 7
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Hoping so as well, @stefmartens !

This is a no-brainer. Duplicating forms should duplicate all qualities of the form including follow-up automations. Further, on the follow-up page you should be able to duplicate a follow-up within a form to make creating complex follow-up automations faster!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @mudland Thanks for sharing your feedback - I’ve added it to our product feedback for the team. 😀

We need this feature as well. Duplicating forms doesn’t help us if follow-up settings can’t be copied over. 
