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Hello everyone, 

I’m new to Typeform and having great difficulty creating a quiz.  I’m stuck on logic jumps.  I was following the most detailed step by step how to video on youtube but it was posted in 2016 and It seems some features have been upgraded since then. My quiz has only 6 questions, 4 multiple choice and 2 yes/no.  

I’d greatly appreciate any and all consideration the community might offer to help me navigate this course of creating my 1st quiz.  I’m completely lost fam. :tired_face:

Thanks in advance.

@@IngeB - welcome to the community

this comes from  a fellow user who went through the same thing. 

I would suggest starting with this link from the help system - it is better than the one you started with. Take a look there first, then if you still throw your hands up in the air, sharing a little more detail about what you are trying to achieve with your logic flow will help us find you the answers you need. 



Thanks Des!

I appreciate you.

Hello again,

Sadly, my hands are back up in the air.  I’ve watched and read all I could find on logic jump and decided to start my quiz over.  The information I found was pretty much geared toward streamlining a visitors experience via question branching, forks or conditional questions.  My quiz has only 6 questions that I need to figure out how to give right or wrong answers and a score at the end.  

If I opt to use a template this time, will I be able to fully personalize the colors, photos and font?  

Thanks again for your help.





Hello again,

Sadly, my hands are back up in the air.  I’ve watched and read all I could find on logic jump and decided to start my quiz over.  The information I found was pretty much geared toward streamlining a visitors experience via question branching, forks or conditional questions.  My quiz has only 6 questions that I need to figure out how to give right or wrong answers and a score at the end.  

If I opt to use a template this time, will I be able to fully personalize the colors, photos and font?  

Thanks again for your help.





@@IngeB - take a look at this little example quiz and let me know if this sort of maybe might almost be something in line with your multiple choice questions.. 

if you can layout the structure or provide a link to the quiz as it is now, then i can take a look at it in more depth and provide some more details later this evening (ie after 10pm eastern time - once i get my wee beast to bed and the dishes done!)


You’re are rockstar!

Thank you, thank you!

I’ll have a look at the example quiz and will also share a link to mine as it is now.

Chat with you later.

:slight_smile: <img class=" src="" width="18" />

@@IngeB - you will need to hit the publish button for me to access it.. please.. 


i just tried .. and it gave me the typical not published message


oh.. and if you are not sure how to share the published link, then click Share after you Publish the form, and copy the link and paste it into a message here.. 





Why does my youtube / vimeo profile appear when I upload the link to my video in my quiz?  I have premium accounts with both so branding has never been an issue before...

@@IngeB - ok i answered all wrong.. and got the try again screen. 

to give users the answers and if they got them right or wrong, you could put a Statement question in place before the ending (or on the ending page) that shows the list of questions along with the correct answers if you wanted to do that. something like

Q1 - Where can you find TOAST & HFI on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)? 

You answered : @recall q1 answer

your answer is: @recall variable for correct/incorrect

see this little example 

the 6 images below are the variables set up and the logic i used for the calculations, not all the logic but enough to give you the idea… i think .. mind the overlap on some pictures but they are in sequence. 





hope this helps you get a feel for it.. 



Why does my youtube / vimeo profile appear when I upload the link to my video in my quiz?  I have premium accounts with both so branding has never been an issue before...

not sure.. it shows up as a private video so i cannot see it.. 

there was someone else in the community who was looking at a similar issue, if you search in the community site - upper right corner near the create post/your avatar for youtube you can check out that thread.. i don’t have it at my fingertips right now


Thanks for this example and explanation Des, I’m going to try to implement these tonight.  One question I have is do I need to create a statement question for each possible outcome of each multiple question?  

Wish me luck!

My very bestest,


Does Typeform offer classes?  

Does Typeform offer classes?  

@@IngeB - I have not seen any classes offered.. occasional webinars and there are some excellent tutorials (that’s how i got this far!!)

re your question on the statement per multiple choice, no.. i tend to put those into the draft versions of the forms so that i can test my logic and the state of the variables as i go through the steps.. helps me trouble shoot. i just take out the ones i don’t want at the end once the logic is good and tight. 

how are things going? i know it’s friday and, like it did for me, work gets in the way of these things.. lol


cheers and have a good weekend



Hi Des,

Thanks for your reply but I’m just not catching on and I’m frustrated.  I’m going to try again, give it my best shot but may end up back over with Jotform

Thanks so much for your help!

I appreciate you. 


Hi @@IngeB how are you holding up over there? Anything else we can help with in the form? 

As for classes, I’d be curious to know what classes you’d like to see. 🙂 Happy to share those with the team to see if we can make them happen! 

Hi Liz,

Thanks so much for reaching out, I appreciate you doing so!  I was working against a deadline and having a very difficult time learning how to get Typeform to work for me so I went back to Jotform to create my quiz and meet that deadline.  

As far as classes or lessons to help become better acquainted with Typeform, I’m very impressed by the generosity of your community leaders who have taken time to try to help me figure out how to create my quiz but I just didn’t catch on and I really didn’t want to impose more than I’d already had. :upside_down:  I’ve also watched your videos but they were not enough either to make me self sufficient in Typeform.  Maybe it’s just me?  but I’m a coder, so imagine my frustration!  I really like the functionality of Typeform and will certainly give it another try before renewing my membership.

Many thanks again Liz.

My best,


@@IngeB Thank you! This is really helpful. Would you at all be interested in sharing this feedback with our Help Center team? They’ve been hoping to gather more feedback about the articles/videos to help improve them. :grinning:
