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hi there, im trying to add a field onto the multiple choice feature that say’s “please add more”. How do you do that? 

@JENNY HUANG - welcome to the community.

Not sure exactly if you want to use the Other option on your multiple choice screen as shown in the image below: 

this where the user would be able to type in more details. 

you can enable the other option using the toggle switch in the question type configuration by clicking on the multiple choice box in the corner


and you can change the text that shows on the choice from ‘other’ to another label as you describe by clicking the gear icon on the left hand side of the screen (in the Editor Design Logic sequence, seleting Messages and changing the text for the Other ..see image below


hope this might help



Hi, and is not possible to change the ‘other’ label only for a specific sheet? I have just changed it, but now it has replaced all my other ‘other’-buttons as well… Please advice.

Hi, and is not possible to change the ‘other’ label only for a specific sheet? I have just changed it, but now it has replaced all my other ‘other’-buttons as well… Please advice.

@Nyn - unfortunately it is a form-level option and not available on an individual question level. 

one work around that has been used - create a ‘regular’ choice option and label it other. Use a logic rule that evaluates the choices and If “other” is selected then present a text-based question that asks the user to provide some details about the ‘other’ option they would like to enter 

not perfect but it does get around the form-level labelling. 

