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Hello there,

I am trying to make a logical sequence where a user is charged by the ‘number of attendees’ x ‘$18’ in one question, EXCEPT if the person offers to host the event at their house ie answers - ‘yes’ at a later question, in which case the charge would be $0.

Could you possibly help me to work out how to do this?

Let me know if you need any further information.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @FizbitsWeb Welcome to the community! I think you could set this up using some simple math and logic jumps. I made a short gif below of how I have this setup: 




and this is what it looks like live. Would something like this work for you? 



Hi @Liz - thanks so much for your reply. Yes I can see how you create the score for the different answers. 


My question now is - how to turn a score into a price for the payment page? So 4 x 18 = 72 from your example, but how to make that $72 on the payment page?


Thanks a lot!


Thanks @Liz I have worked out how to do it based on your answer. 

I changed the score variable to price to get the $ calculation at the payment page and subtracted @price from @price if they answered yes to hosting.

Thanks again! I really appreciate your help!


Wahoo, @FizbitsWeb ! Glad you got it working!!

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with. :grinning:
