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I’ve created a quiz with questions broken out into 3 sections and provides a score for each in the end. From there I need to normalize the data set between 0 and 100 for each section. Since each section has a different scoring criteria this normalizes each number into a percentage and a number that makes more sense. 

 = (score – min(x)) / (max(x) – min(x)) * 100

How can I present the information this way at the end?

Secondly, I would like to have different outcomes based on the scores from three different groups. Is this possible? For example let’s say the scores after being normalizes are as follows:

Section 1 - 60%

Section 2 - 70%

Section 3 - 30%

From here I want to take an average of these scores and show different endings. 

@synchronicity  - a couple of questions to help  you figure out an approach: 

  • in your equation, is ‘score’ the total of all three subsections or for the subsection?
    • and, as a follow up, are the min and max (x) values the subtotal scores or within each section? 
    • what do you want to do if there is a tie for high or low score? is this even possible?? 
  • in your ‘secondly’ section, after you normalize the scores, you want to average them and route them to an ending: 
    • simple average or weighted? ie your example (60+70+30)/3 ?? or….
    • what are the ranges that will drive your user to the different endings?  LT 40, 41-65, GT 65 as examples?

answers to those will help guide some possible options for you.. 



  • No, there are three scores for each subsection. I would like to have a second total though of the average of the normalized scores. So one ending that shows the total for each section, which is what I have currently. I just don’t have the normalized scores. 
    • The min and max are the lowest and highest possible scores for each section (each section’s range is different)
    • This is not possible
  • Simple average
  • I’m still working that out but it will likely be 5 different ranges 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100

Thank you so much for the help!

@synchronicity - ok.. here are the thoughts that i have and i put together some screen shots from this little sample i made to proxy your quiz 

  • note that i created arbitrary values for min and max scores in each of the 3 questions and those same min and max scores are in the  variables. 
  • note that i created the denominator of the of each calculation as a variable and preset with the diff between the min and max

here’s the sample file that i created, from which the following screen shots are taken

create variables: 

here are the logic rule screen shots

it should give you an idea on how to manufacture the numbers.. 

then once you have the v_norm_avg you can use logic rules to route the user to the ending you want.. 




This worked, thank you so much!

Hello again! I was able to get this all to work (to my great excitement). I shared it with a facebook group of over 60k people and made a change to the scoring on one question based on feedback. Now the normalized scores show up as zeros, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. I updated all the variables so the min and max, max and demon are correct. Attached are screenshots of the logic, which appear to be exactly as the ones you listed above. 

For now I did a regular total showing the highest possible out of each. It’s a patch for now but not ideal. 


Ahhh never mind! I see what the issue is. Doh!

@synchronicity - what happens in Community, stays in Community.. 

glad you got it fixed… 


Hello! It’s me again. I’ve done some searching on the forum and couldn’t find a solution to my question (that I understood or was able to successfully execute). I am able to add the custom variables that provide a normalized score and an average of the three. What I haven’t been able to figure out is how to have the ending linked to my custom variable that averages the three normalized scores. I have score ranges based on the regular score data, but that is not as precise as the normalized average. 

I saw a response about creating logic jumps, but it doesn’t give me the option to link to an ending.

Hopefully this makes sense. 

@synchronicity - if you have the ‘ranges’ of the normalized averages stored as variables, then you can use the logic rules to to do something like this:

  • if v_normalized is less than 20 go to ending A
  • if v_normalized is greater than or equal 20 and v_normalized is less than 40 go to ending B
  • if v_normalized is greater than 39 go to ending C

does that help??



@john.desborough it does, thank you!

It doesn’t allow me to choose an ending to go to though? I have 5 different endings set up. 


