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Random questions to each person fillling in the questionaire

I want to make a typeform with for example 50 questions, of which a person filling in the questionaire gets 10 random questions of these 50. Is this possible?

Hi @DGH welcome to the community! We don’t currently have a feature that would randomize the questions, but this is a great idea! I’d encourage you to post it below for some extra visibility, too. :grin:



Is it possible to have randomized conditions in Typeform. For example, I want 25% of the sample to receive condition 1, 25% condition 2, 25% receive condition 3, and 25% receive condition 4.

This is i mportant if one is a experimental study with several conditions.

Hi @AsmaB I added your question here where we have the answer. :grinning: Let us know if you think of any other questions!
