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Hi Guys, is there a way to prompt in the end of the Survey a reference Number where the Participants can refer to in case of required feedback.

e.g. Thanks for filling out the form for …., your Application No. = APA0001234

Thanks for your assistance

Greetings Daniel

@Pan de Vida Ministry - interesting use case. 

this is from a fellow user

If you create an automated email notification back to the user, there is a Typeform generated reference number that is sent in the message - it is normally not visible in the email due to the white text on white background but it is there. (there is a thread here in the community where this is called out) 

the scenario that i have seen used for this type of identification number, where YOU control the number, is to have the form data submitted to a back end (CRM or) Google Sheet, which has a mechanism for creating the incremented number ie APA0001235 based on the parameters  set in the Google Sheet. 

next would be the step of generating the custom email to the user thanking them for the input and providing them with the tracking details. this could be easily done in google sheets using the Document Studio add-in. 

hope this provides a little step forward.. 


