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Thank you screen not showing as a question option

  • 1 March 2021
  • 4 replies

I have a Start plan and want to add a Thank You screen, but that isn’t showing as an option in my drop down list of questions. I am confused about the naming of your plans because much of your help guidance refers to Classic and Pro plans, but there is no mention of a Start plan.


Hello @CarolineM. Welcome to the Typeform Community! :hugging:


I totally understand the confusion over this. At the moment, we have two different builders: the Classic one, and the New Builder. I believe you're currently using the New Builder, which is great because this is the new version of our platform. =)


In the New Builder, the Thank you screen is called "Ending", and here is where you can add yours:


We also have a Help Center article with more details, which you see here


Regarding the plans, be assured it doesn't interfere how you see the interface and how you'll use this feature. :) 


I hope it is clear. Let us know if there is anything else the community team can do for you! 

That’s great! But what about tracking respondents? That is confusing too on my plan. Do I need to add an email address collection question in order to track who’s responding? Maybe even ask them to give to their name? Otherwise I can’t see a way of tracking who has responded.

Hi @CarolineM . 🙂 If you’d like to know who’s responding to your form, you’ll want to add a question such as a name or email question. I’d also suggest marking it as required, too, to be sure they answer!

Hello @CarolineM. Welcome to the Typeform Community! :hugging:


I totally understand the confusion over this. At the moment, we have two different builders: the Classic one, and the New Builder. I believe you're currently using the New Builder, which is great because this is the new version of our platform. =)


In the New Builder, the Thank you screen is called "Ending", and here is where you can add yours:


We also have a Help Center article with more details, which you see here


Regarding the plans, be assured it doesn't interfere how you see the interface and how you'll use this feature. :) 


I hope it is clear. Let us know if there is anything else the community team can do for you! 

Thank you, I’ve just been looking for this as well, as a newbie this helped a lot. 
