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Hi. I am currently using a free account on the new builder and I created a quiz with one welcome page, 5 questions and 4 endings. It says I cannot publish my form and I need to upgrade my subscription!! I am not sure what the issue is here. It says I need to remove trial features such as the calculator and ending! I do not have a thank you page. I would appreciate any help/advise on this subject.

Hey @Apoorva Kasaraneni. Welcome to the Typeform Community!


You're unable to publish your form because you're using features that aren't included in the free plan. The multiple ending and the calculator are paid features and therefore the form can be published once you remove them or upgrade to a plan that includes these features. 


Move information on the free plan can be found here and the paid plan information is available for you here. 🙂 Hope this clarifies a bit! 
