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Vouchers in Surveys

  • 5 August 2021
  • 5 replies

I want to include vouchers in my survey to incentivise participants and raise response rates but have a few questions:

  • If I give a voucher for each completed survey, how do I cap responses?

  • How will the vouchers be issued? Can they be sent directly through Typeform? 

  • How do I purchase the vouchers? Previously I have purchased them through the Marketing Lounge Partnership.

Hi @bella.moore Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. :grin:

To help answer your questions, 

  1. I would suggest turning on the response limit for the form. This will close the form after it has reached a certain number of responses. 
  2. We don’t offer vouchers within Typeform, but you could use a service like Mailchimp to send them through a workaround like this
  3. This isn’t a feature we currently offer, but there might be someone in the community that knows of a service offering vouchers.

I hope this helps!

Hi @bella.moore Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. :grin:

To help answer your questions, 

  1. I would suggest turning on the response limit for the form. This will close the form after it has reached a certain number of responses. 
  2. We don’t offer vouchers within Typeform, but you could use a service like Mailchimp to send them through a workaround like this
  3. This isn’t a feature we currently offer, but there might be someone in the community that knows of a service offering vouchers.

I hope this helps!

Thank you so much for your help! :) 

Not a problem, @bella.moore ! Let me know if I can help with anything else. :grinning:

Hi @bella.moore 

If you want to reward participants with vouchers and gift cards from vendors like Starbucks, iTunes or Amazon you could leverage our integration with tools like Tremendous or AppyRewards 

They both let you manage a reward campaign, and you get to decide if you give something to every single participant, or if you do a drawing at the end.
And how much you want to invest in the campaign.

Hope it helps :)

Hi @bella.moore 

If you want to reward participants with vouchers and gift cards from vendors like Starbucks, iTunes or Amazon you could leverage our integration with tools like Tremendous or AppyRewards 

They both let you manage a reward campaign, and you get to decide if you give something to every single participant, or if you do a drawing at the end.
And how much you want to invest in the campaign.

Hope it helps :)

Thank you so much! 
