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I’ve already follow the instructions as provided at and unfortunately it doesn’t work. I updated the default language for the webform in the Language Edit section but the changes do not reflect. In fact, oddly the text disappeared altogether so now there is nothing. Really this is a cumbersome process. First, this should work when the instructions are followed (I tripled checked) and even better yet would be allow people to edit any of the text at the top of the webform more easily right on that VideoAsk step. 

What am I doing wrong that it won’t hold the changes I’ve made per the instructions? 

This is a pretty urgent glitch, help please. I need to roll out this VideoAsk shortly. 

In fact, another issue is that the Contact Form is at the beginning of the VideoAsk and yet it is automatically apply the wrong template that says “Before you go...” so that is incorrect too. I don’t see where I have the option to select which Contact Us version (the one for “Before we continue...”).



Hi @SJD 

Did you save the custom language you’ve created? The changes should appear once saved, and if you select to preview your videoask you’ll see how it will look with the new language.

Under the Contact Form section when you’re creating a custom language, there are two options, the first one is for if the contact form is toggled on for the last step, and the second for if it’s the first step (or earlier in the flow):



Do you just have it toggled on once, or are you using multiple contact forms?

If the changes aren’t appearing it might help to see a screen recording of what’s happening so we can identify what the issue is with this, you’re welcome to share that here, or if it’s easier you can submit it via the support team videoask and someone will take a look and reply back soon.
