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Hi guys,
just a quick question!

Am I mistaken or is there a change in the contact collection function?

I was unter the impression that when the function is enabled on a step it is forced to the contact form after clicking a button on the same step.

Step send Text - form and get info - write text - send

same for audio message and video call


NOW it is:

Stef send text - type text - click send - send - fill in form


Do I have to change any settings I did not have to before?
I need the fill in contact form before making the video call, before sending the text…


Looking forward to your help.

Many thanks,

Hey good to see you back here! 

There hasn’t been any changes with the contact form as far as I’m aware 🤔 if you’re using the open-ended answer type you write/record your response before seeing the contact form. I’m not sure there is a way to force it so it appears first but I’ll double check with the team.

Thanks Grace!

If one of you know a way to force to fill in the form beforehand let me know please :)

Hey I double checked and there isn’t a way to force when the contact form appears. I will add this to our feature request board to be considered though. Hopefully it doesn’t mess with your flow too much 🙏

I too would like this feature. It doesn’t make sense to have them fill out the form AFTER selecting an option when an option could be to simply go back or something other than filling out a form. Should be able to have the form as one of the actual buildable blocks.

Great example @Alex Alexander thanks for sharing. I’ve added your feedback to the feature request 😊
