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Every time I link to an external website the link opens in a new page and the back buttons don’t work and you can’t navigate back to app, without having to start it again.


I have tried to incorporate this into the code as per the help in the app, but this doesn’t appear to fix the issue.



But users are still taken to an external page and can’t return to the sequence they had just left.




<!-- Add the code below inside the <body> tags of your HTML page -->



  "kind": "widget",


  "options": {

    "widgetType": "VideoThumbnailWindowTall",

    "text": "",

    "backgroundColor": "#7D00FE",

    "position": "bottom-right",

    "dismissible": false,

    "videoPosition": "center center"




<script src=></script>

<!-- Important!!! In order to allow your videoask to open up on the same page when interacting with the widget, your website must use the secure https:// protocol (i.e have an SSL certificate). Otherwise, when clicking the widget, a new tab will be automatically opened in the browser.



I can appreciate what you are trying to achieve here @James Hardy. It is unfortunately not working for me either. I have tried making some amendments to the code via an AI agent to try and troubleshoot, but as yet, I have not been able to achieve it. 

To be honest, I am not too sure if this is a bug or something that has limited VideoAsk’s ability to do this - it possibly used to. @Grace  would you have any thoughts to add here. This is one that I really need to have operational for my own VideoAsk’s I am also producing, so I would be interested in knowing. 

Some thoughts:

- Try with and without www on the URL redirect in VideoAsk
- Try sending the embed code through ChatGPT or Claude and try and troubleshoot if there may be a reason for it preventing this outcome from being achieved.
- It may very well be limitations placed on certain website’s not be able to viewed in this way. Possibly try some other website addresses for the redirect. 

When I tried changing the redirect link to having www in it and without it returned two different results. For the one that has www in it it presented a “refused to connect’ error on the embed element. When I removed the www from the redirect URL it then just showed the word ‘redirecting’ without advancing beyond on the embed. 


I think that code has improved it some way as although the external site opens, I can use the back buttons, which it wasn’t doing before, But really want it to open as a page with a page.


We really want people to be able to continue with the chat in a natural continuous way, not step out of it and break the natural flow.

Totally understand what you are saying here! I am setting up a whole range of options that follow a VideoAsk or continue the flow, so I would say this one is a big one for me also.


Hey @James Hardy @Ash.NZ sorry I’m a bit late to the convo here. 

Just to confirm, you have the videoask embedded on a webpage and then you want to set the redirect to appear in the embed window, but you also want to be able to navigate back to the videoask from the redirect? 

Hey @Grace, no trouble at all!

Yes, that is essentially what I believe we are both looking for. Apologies if I don’t quite have that right in relation to what you mean @James Hardy 

I followed the guidance on here in relation to this - 

...but it didn’t seem to work for me. 

Hope that helps!

Further to that - for me, I am not needing to navigate back to the videoask in the redirect. I just want to be able to have a website URL displayed within the embed window

Awesome, thanks @Ash.NZ!

At the moment it’s not possible to redirect and then go back to the videoask - so you need to be sure once you’re redirecting someone away from the videoask you are happy for them to leave it. I guess a cheat if you wanted them to get back to it would be to have another version of the videoask embedded on the redirect page, but that might get a bit convoluted within an embed frame 😅 

In terms of the redirect parameter not working, I’m wondering if it’s either a bug or something to do with the website builder in use. I would recommend sending a screen recording of the issue to the support team ( so they can determine why it’s not working as expected.

Thanks @Grace. That all makes sense to me what you have indicated in the first paragraph. For me, I am not looking to achieve that outcome, but hoping that may help answer your question @James Hardy 

At this stage I haven’t been successful with getting the redirect parameter working for me. I will send a screen recording just to show what is going on. Thanks for your quick responses! 

Great stuff, thanks @Ash.NZ 

@James Hardy let me know if that helps or if I’ve totally missed the mark on what you’re trying to achieve! 

Hi Thanks Grace,

It seems to be working in a way that will be acceptable.

At present users clink an external link that opens an external page and the back button is available to be used.

By clicking this they are then returned to the place in the videoask from where they left off. Which is what I needed.


Perhaps I hadn’t added the code correctly the first time, or maybe it doesn’t work like this in all browsers/platforms - but as it stands it is good enough for my purposes. 

I am loving the app and will be power user.


While I’ve got you, 2 quick questions - off topic - I hope that is ok?


There is a disconnect/discrepancy between the pricing plans on the website and what is shown on my billing/upgrade page of the APP store.

1/ In the Apple APP store AI Chat is not shown as being part of Brand subscription, whereas it is on your website.

2/ In the APP store there is zero breakdown of how many video asks are permitted, nor is there any difference discernible difference between this variable and the START and GROW plans, whereas on the website this is specified.

3/ I want to try the AI but not if I am locked in and it doesn’t perform to the specs I require.


This is the pricing vs featured via website/desktop


Below is the same via the APP.


There are significant differences:







Hey @James Hardy glad to hear the redirect setup will work! Feel free to drop any questions in the community any time 😊

In terms of the plan differences in the Apple store - thanks for flagging this, it seems like it hasn’t been updated the last time the pricing page was updated on the website so I will report back to the team to get this sorted. 

Are you currently on a paid plan? If you’re paying monthly it’s easy to upgrade and downgrade if you want to try the Brand plan for a month and then switch back down to Grow or Start, but if you pay via Apple you’ll need to manage this within the Apple store rather than your VideoAsk account. 

Hopefully that helps, but let me know if you have more questions!
