
How to create a Monochrome background instead of a video in VideoAsk

  • 16 February 2024
  • 6 replies

There are some steps in my VideoAsk where I don’t want to have video.

Instead, I want a still image in monochrome, it would provide a solid background for the overlay text, eg. black or white. I’d like users to read the text without the distraction of motion or multicolor behind it.

None of the available options enable me to upload an image. The library has Pexels and Gify which all move and the Upload only supports video formats.

A clunky workaround is to upload a black or white video but that brings up the ‘Play’ button which is redundant in this instance.

Is there a simpler way to achieve a still, monochrome background?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Amos happy Friday! 

At the moment, it’s not possible to upload an image, you can only upload a video file. In the past as a workaround we’ve suggested recording your screen (in this case just a monochrome screen) and uploading the video. 

You can try to use the parameter ?hideplay to the end of your videoask URL to remove the play button.

Hopefully that helps, but let me know if you have any other questions!

Thanks Grace,

I suppose that placing the parameter ?hideplay at the end of the url will hide the Play button on all the videos in my VideoAsk - Is that right?

Is there a way to remove the Play button from individual steps rather than the lot?

Also, does placing the parameter ?hideplay, at the end of the url, make the videos start to play automatically when the user lands on each step in the VideoAsk?


Also related to this question:

The videos in one of my VideoAsks start to play automatically. The Play button only appears when I click the video to stop it playing.

I don’t recall changing any of the default settings and I can’t see where to change it. Where is this setting located?

BTW - I am not referring to the setting to ‘Pause autoplay’ which only pauses the mute playing of the video before you click Play.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @Amos it will just remove the play button from the first step, and then from then each step should autoplay. 

Do you have the videoask embedded somewhere? It might be easier to share the link so I can see what’s happening. 

it’s not possible to upload an image as a background for text rather than a video.  The best workaround that I have found is to find a Giphy in the library that is entirely black. I found it by doing a search for ‘black’. Unfortunately Gify’s gifs don’t have file names so I can’t say which one it was. I’ll need to scroll through a bunch of them again to find it in the future.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @Amos glad you found a giphy that can work as a black background for now. 

I have upvoted this feature request and will let you know if if makes it onto the roadmap.

If you still have questions about the play button let me know 😊
