Welcome to another edition of our Member Spotlight series. Today we catch up with another familiar face to Community regulars – Matej Lednický - AKA
Matej has always been excited about the web and its technologies. Ever since he first connected to the internet back in the early 2000s he knew he wanted to build for the web. At the time he had no idea starting with simple HTML websites would turn into building full-featured applications like Typeform, but his journey was already set.
Matej loves building open source software. Here at Typeform he is responsible for the Typeform Embed Library, which he rates as his favorite project.
You can find Matej's occasional posts about work, side-projects and technologies on Twitter (@mathio28). He writes longer articles on Medium, and you can find code for his open source side-projects on Github.
Outside of his professional life Matej likes to go camping and hiking with his wife and their dog.⛺

What do you do at Typeform and how long have you been working there?
I am a front-end engineer. I started working here in January 2020, shortly before the pandemic. I was part of the first batch of remote-only teams. I was lucky to experience our lovely Barcelona office before the pandemic hit and I liked it a lot. It almost made me want to work from the office, however I really enjoy working from my home office. I am based in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.
Which Typeform feature is your favorite?
As a developer I have to mention our APIs and Typeform Embed Library (which is my favorite project) here. There is so much potential in tightly integrating your web apps with your typeforms and it opens so many new options. We actually did a live-coding session with
What tips would you give to someone starting their Typeform/VideoAsk journey?
Think about embedding as soon as possible! It might sound complicated, but it really isn't. In most cases you can get away with just copy-pasting the code into your website. Or you can ask your web developer to do it for you. In my opinion embedding and integrating really unlocks the full potential of your typeforms.
What value do you get out of the Typeform/ VideoAsk community?
I love that we get to experience the problems of our customers first hand. I see how they are using the product and can address their issues. And it even helps me and my team to plan for some nice new features for the future.
🙏🏼 How has our community helped you in your role as an engineer at Typeform?
Recently I have realized many people struggle with embedded typeforms on mobile. Most websites have sticky headers that cover their typeforms. (This is not a bug on our side and in most cases can be fixed by a little CSS update in the host website.) My personal challenge for the coming months is to research if we can make this process easier with less changes necessary in our customers' websites.
In your opinion, what else could be done here in the community to help our members even further?
As an expert on the embed library, I would like to maintain a curated list of conversations related to embeds. Many people have the same problem without actually realizing it is the same problem and this list could help them resolve their issues faster.
Besides Typeform/VideoAsk, what’s your favorite no-code tool and why?
Recently I got hooked on Notion. We have been using it here at Typeform for some time now, however I really started to enjoy it when we migrated our family notes from Evernote to Notion. The capabilities to edit notes at the same time and share them within the family is beyond comparison. I think everyone would benefit from a tool like Notion for their personal notes.
As a developer I use SmallDev.tools which is like a no-code tool for your code 🤣
That's it! Hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more one of the most important members of our community. We're very grateful to have you with us,