Member Spotlight: Meet Ramon 🌟 | Community
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Member Spotlight: Meet Ramon 🌟

Member Spotlight: Meet Ramon 🌟
Community Team
  • Community Advocate
  • 2575 replies

Hey Community!


Happy New Year one and all! I really hope you had a pleasant holiday season and were able to relax and unwind in some way 🤗


We are kicking off 2024 by shining the spotlight on another one of our awesome Community members - meet Ramon aka @olas 🌟


Hello. My name is Ramon Chaux. I am a psychologist, born in Colombia but now I live in Alicante, Spain, a beautiful city on the shores of the Mediterranean. Although I worked for many years in a private company, I am now self-employed and trying to find my place in Europe.

Although, as a psychologist, it may seem like I work with people, in reality my work is with data. At first Excel was my favorite tool but now, without a doubt, Typeform is at the center of my heart. It was love at first sight.





🤔 Tell us a bit about what you do

In my work I try to measure the variables that are not seen: personality traits, interests, opinions. My clients are normally companies that want to measure employee satisfaction or skill levels (performance evaluation).


💙 What’s your favorite Typeform feature?

I'm going to say an answer that may sound like a beauty pageant queen's answer: I like everything! Since I first saw it, Typeform seems like the best tool for creating forms and communicating with the target audience.

I think Typeform has a lot more potential than meets the eye. It is a powerful "no code" tool with many potential workflows related to clients, employees, and suppliers.. You can use it to obtain requests, gather requirements, collect complaints, give congratulations, perform evaluations, obtain feedback, generate purchase orders… The sky is the limit!


🚀 What tips would you give to someone starting their Typeform/VideoAsk journey?

My advice would be to start using it naturally. The tool is so well built that it flows from intuition. Naturally there are advanced features that will require some reading and asking around in the Community.

Typeform has excellent manuals where it guides you through the content in a friendly and easy way. And if you don't find the answer there, that's what the Community is for. You can ask here and there will always be someone willing to help you!


💻 Other than Typeform, what is your favorite no-code tool and why?

I think that the perfect complement to Typeform is Excel. You collect the data with Typeform then if you want a personalized and advanced analysis, you use Excel.

For now, that duo of Excel and Typeform is enough for me. Now I have started going on casual dates with Chat GPT. One day an AI may be better but for now I'll stick with Excel.


🤓 What’s been your favorite thing about the Typeform Community so far?

What I like most is that it works for what it was created for: when you have a question, you come here and there is always someone willing to help you.

It's like a community tech support room, serving the purpose of what would otherwise be done by a  "technical support team." There are things that can be solved by another user, by the moderator of a talk, or by a support technician.

This is a nice place where you always learn a little and get a lot of help - (and, for dessert, you meet a lot of very nice people 🍧)


We hope you’ve liked getting to know  @olas a little bit more, we feel really lucky that he enjoys being part of this community 💛

Check out some of the member tips that Ramon has shared in the Community:

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