Every morning when I wake up I have a big debate with myself where to check first, the news or type form and knowing our people I think you have the same debate with yourselves as well...that's why I think it would be a good idea to create a newsroom here on typeform where everyone can share the news of the day they found most interesting and let everyone read the news on type form so we can do both, but unlike all other posts here I do need your opinion on this, because its a thing other people may be sensetive to. so come on all in guys and lets lay the grounds for the kind of news we want here every morning, and lets start posting!
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- The typeform news room
The typeform news room
- July 7, 2022
- 24 replies
24 replies
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- July 8, 2022
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- July 8, 2022
for the sports lovers
some econamic news
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- July 8, 2022
Thanks for the suggestion,
- Tastemaker
- 343 replies
- July 11, 2022
Appreciate you inviting me to chime in on this topic,
News columns are tricky.
Personally, I don’t respond well to *bad* (negative, unfortunate, etc) news. I’m very black or white with my feelings. I’m either too sensitive to what I learn or I get apathetic. This suggests that I’m not as emotionally intelligent as I could grow to become but it’s also something I’m completely self-aware about.
There’s a ton of news circulating every second of every day. Way too much to consume and keep your head, ha! I think we all have to kind of “choose our truths” in a world of multiple, simultaneous objective realities that sometimes conflict and contradict any given equally-viable truth. Then you have to fact-check what you learn, corroborate with evidence, and ensure that you never get *all* your info from a single source!
If there was going to be a Typeform Newsroom and if I had any say it what it’d be like, I’d hope it was built upon a few foundations...
- I think news here would do well to challenge our notions/beliefs while always being rooted in respect and altruism. If we hold onto what we already know with too much conviction, we are rigid, we stay in an echo chamber, and then it’s just confirmation bias. We mustn’t be afraid of questioning our perspectives, opening our minds, and consuming truths, stories, and realities from people that are unlike us.
- Objective, agenda-less news would be great. Reporting an event precisely as it unfolds without hubris, sarcasm, or disrespect is easier to do in principal than practice. Even then, there’s more than one perspective to any given “incident” not to mention blindspots and vantage points. This is extremely important and is quite undervalued in news, IMO.
- What if news here is of a “different” sort free from controversy, popularity, or expectations? For example, I’d love to hear news about a wildlife animal expressing kindness to a human in a strange scenario. Or “3 Things You Didn’t Know About Zebras” Or why the cockroach might be the oldest living species on the planet. These would be fascinating subjects to me because they might not get as much of the spotlight.
IMO, that’s what I’d personally want to see and bring to a news forum. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, it’s just what I respond to, ha!
- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 11, 2022
So there are multiple interesting and important topics to discuss and is in most cases, non political at all, as the economy, national security, sports, and so on...
So we can just go ahead in such a manner or if everyone (but everyone) will agree to have political discussions to we can have that as well.
We just need to make sure that it doesn't get like twitter where everyone screams all day long.
Thanks for your comments.
Best wishes the conservative
- Tastemaker
- 343 replies
- July 12, 2022
As for politics, as of late, I’m of two minds. And I think a lot of what you said about sharing political news here is quite valid so I appreciate you sharing that.
From a macro perspective, in my humble opinion, I think politics and religion are of the same ilk, meaning they’re both largely rooted in and hail from strong beliefs and convictions. They’re very similar to me to the point of synonymity. They’re about what we believe the world and behaviors should be like. And we connect with those who share our views.
Money or wealth could be someone’s religion. Love could become a policy. Some folks believe in entrepreneurship as much as any religion. And so forth.
Politics and religion are particularly unique because larger swaths of people have deep opinions in those two areas than almost any other category of belief. Also because they seem to create a lot of (unintentional?) division and tension.
These are challenging notions and topics. Perhaps too much for this community but I’m not a moderator here and have no say about whether that’s appropriate.😅 But let’s see what some of the others have to say...
- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 12, 2022
Well, you don't have to tell me your in that industry, the way you analyze everything from every aspect and the way you explain it so well (something most people can't do) right away told me that secret...and your right, but don't shy away if your uncomfortable with a political discussion here we won't have them, I'll rather go on twitter and Facebook then make a tense environment in this great loving respectful community
- Tastemaker
- 343 replies
- July 12, 2022
Well, you don't have to tell me your in that industry, the way you analyze everything from every aspect and the way you explain it so well (something most people can't do) right away told me that secret...and your right, but don't shy away if your uncomfortable with a political discussion here we won't have them, I'll rather go on twitter and Facebook then make a tense environment in this great loving respectful community
Anyway, as for political discussions, I haven’t seen much proof that there’s a way to present a story or an argument without offending someone who has diametrically opposed views. Not saying it isn’t possible. Just that the only way I can fathom a way to ‘keep the peace’ is to present things in an apolitical fashion, so as not to outright pick a side.
The other side of that we all almost always seem to highlight stories/news that already affirm our stances or positions rather than news that challenges/busts/demistifies what we know/think/believe. I’m more interested in objective truths corroborated by multiple reliable sources b/c I think that’s about as close as we can get to absolute truth. This is why I highly respect the court of science; they’re all about testing hypotheses repeatedly from several angles before a conclusion is made.
Obvi, I have concerns about political convos but they’re not b/c of where I sit on the right-left spectrum. They’re b/c of others’ inability to see past their own realities and them not being interested in challenging what they believe b/c it makes them uncomfy. If political convos could be enlightening and open-minded, I’m all for that, game on. But the court of science (so to speak) seems to be at exact odds with the court of policy. That said, I would not shy away from answering any political questions you or others might have. Happy to share my views, commentary, or thoughts! And I typically preface things with whether I have an informed opinion, if that makes sense. Although I probably personally wouldn’t outright share any political news here b/c I’m far more fascinated by other types of news that are free from the baggage of politics. Get me?
What do you think?
- Ex–Typefomer
- 1777 replies
- July 13, 2022
I really appreciate having this thread to send some unusual and funny news. Specially in these days that we see a lot of peculiar things happening out there! Hehehe.
As per political/religious discussions, our team believes is better to avoid it. Like Darnell mentioned, these topics tend to create a lot of division and tension, and we don't want to bring this atmosphere to our community. We want it to be a light-hearted place, where no one feels mistreated for their beliefs and opinions, which might happen if we allow this kind of discussion.
It's worth to remember that we talked about that in our guidelines:
🚩Stay on topic
The goal of this community is helping our amazing creators make beautiful typeforms and videoasks, so please avoid political and/or personal discussions - this includes content inside typeforms and videoasks. We have a coffee talk section for light-hearted and fun content not linked to our products.
Feel free to refer to the rest of our guidelines as I believe it will be useful to all of us.
With that being said, I'd like to share a news I read yesterday! He won in lottery after betting with the numbers he saw in a dream! Note. Always write down your dreams right after you wake up! 😅
- Tastemaker
- 343 replies
- July 13, 2022
As for that guy that won the lotto based on numbers in his dream, that is INSANE, ha! I can hardly remember numbers I saw a moment ago within a dream when I need to write down or repeat the numbers to people within the dreams. Apparently, numbers are super difficult for others to remember as well. Maybe if I could remember mine, I could win too!🤷🏾♂️😆
- Community Advocate
- 2580 replies
- July 13, 2022
Has anyone seen these incredible photos that have come from NASA’s new space telescope?
- Community Team
- 681 replies
- July 13, 2022
Those pictures were incredible
- Community Advocate
- 2580 replies
- July 13, 2022
Oh wow!
- Tastemaker
- 343 replies
- July 13, 2022
And yeah, I’ve been seeing those photos this week. I love them all! The universe is incredible and endlessly fascinating.
- Certified Partner & Champion
- 5264 replies
- July 13, 2022
Fact: last Friday in Canada, one of 3 “really big” national telecom providers had a nation-wide failure of cell and internet service. One-third of Canadian population and businesses were without service. Including 911 (emergency phone), banking networks, gas stations, SaaS software platforms, and thousands of business reliant on network. over 15 hours of no service.
I got a day off connectivity - and that meant nothing worked for me. I even had to sit on the patio of a winery client, looking at the vineyard, drinking coffee and then some lovely wines - but i was able to write email for about 6 clients (two weeks worth of email, so this week is relaxed as will be next)
I realized that as an individual and business person, I need to be able to be connected for most of what I do - try creating Typeforms in offline mode lol.. - so I had to subscribe to a second provider so that I could have cell and (hotspot) internet service on another network in case this happened again.
Now the Canadian government has called the big telecom providers together to discuss how they are going to provide back-up to the other networks in case one of them goes down again. The expectation of the government is that the private sector companies will have to do this on their own nickel, without government funding (at least as reported by two newsies covering the meeting). The telecoms want the government to pay for it but to allow the networks to get all the revenue from the service.
That’s not politics. That’s just business.
But what struck me is this: it was ok being without service and, in fact, it was pleasant being back in the 80s world again with no cell phones or tethered to a keyboard. I remember punch cards for data processing classes that my friends took in highschool (yeah early 70s). However - for work i need two networks for insurance. Yes it is an additional cost but.
Now, what would have happened to Typeform if it had been one of the SaaS platforms that relied on the Rogers network last Friday? Without redundant network providers (which is the case for many SaaS companies here in North America) would Typeform have been up and running?
What would we all have done fi there was no Interweb? The massive panic of people in the house where my family was staying on holidays - I was enroute - because there was no connectivity was hilarious. No one knew how to amuse themselves without connectivity - from my wife and her brother down to the 8 and 6 yr olds. I drove 8 hours on the backroads of the province without GPS to get there.. I have a paper map in the glove box - it’s 20 yrs old but still works in an analog fashion - that i used when i wasn’t sure about the zig or zag i needed to take at one intersection.
In any event, that may not be news, but that too was reality.
cheers all
ps. the winery shot..

- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 13, 2022
- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 20, 2022
Always thought the United States is number one, dono why....
- Community Team
- 681 replies
- July 21, 2022
Always thought the United States is number one, dono why....
- Community Advocate
- 2580 replies
- July 21, 2022
Oh wow
- Community Team
- 681 replies
- July 21, 2022
- Community Advocate
- 2580 replies
- July 21, 2022
Very true
Here’s a nice story, a cat that was on the run in an airport has finally been reunited with their owner!
- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 21, 2022
this is another interesting article over the business world
- Author
- Sharing wisdom
- 140 replies
- July 26, 2022
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