Community culture & guidelines | Community
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Community culture & guidelines

  • January 22, 2021
  • 0 replies


In order for this community to thrive we got to create a safe and inclusive environment where our members feel comfortable to be themselves and share their stories and challenges. 


These are the main 4 principles that will make our community a wonderful place for all: 


:wave_tone4:  Accessible. We’re inclusive and open to everyone and anyone that wants to collaborate. We believe that’s how meaningful conversations are made. [Diversity in opinions, respectful discourse and being empathetic to others is our way].


:handshake:  Supportive. We’re in this together, so we all contribute to answering each other's questions and in uplifting one another. [Don’t fret—our Help Center and email support are still alive and well. They’re also the go-to destinations for your technical questions]. 


:selfie:  Connected. Our community connects members with each other. This connectivity leads to inspiration and progress. And a deep sense of belonging. [This is a safe haven to nerd out on all things Typeform/VideoAsk and imagine new solutions].


:sparkler:  Meaningful. Our community brings us one step closer towards building long lasting relationships. At the end of the day, this is all about you. [You’ll lead this community and guide it’s journey.]


It’s important to highlight that this is an open space and we don't control who comes in and out of the community. This is why we put together a few easy principles to help us make interactions as safe and healthy as possible:
⚡️ Be yourself
Make sure to use just one account per creator, so we always know who is behind the keyboard. Knowing that ‘you are you’ helps make interactions real and genuine.


🥰  Lead with empathy
Although we have different identities, backgrounds and beliefs, we are all creators and we do have the same goal here. This community is a safe environment for everyone and therefore we won't allow harassment, bullying, swearing, hate speech, offensive behavior and NSFW content.


🔍 Protect everyone's privacy 
It is great that we share information but we need to be mindful that any information shared here is public for everyone to see. Make sure you don't share any personal information about others, such as screenshots with your customers' email addresses. Don't forget your personal information is also important and be conscious of what you share. 


🚩Stay on topic

The goal of this community is helping our amazing creators make beautiful typeforms and videoasks, so please avoid political and/or personal discussions - this includes content inside typeforms and videoasks. We have a coffee talk section for light-hearted and fun content not linked to our products. 


 :tongue: English please! Typeform is a multicultural and multilingual company, but our main language to communicate with each other is English. Also, English is the language we communicate with our creators worldwide, and therefore in this community we speak to each other in English. Our support team can help you in Spanish if need be, but you will need to contact them via this page


⚠️ Spam and promotion
Unsolicited communications and/or promotion of other products and services are considered spam - it'll distract and divert attention away from important discussions about Typeform products. 

📌 See a post that is not following the guidelines? 
If you find anything that isn't appropriate because of the reasons above, hit the flag button (bottom right of each post). Our team will be notified immediately and take the necessary actions according to each case. By doing this we’ll make sure we keep the community safe at all times. 


Our goal is to create a safe and healthy community where our creators feel inspired to share, connect and collaborate. We count on you to make this a welcoming environment!


If a user repeatedly breaks the guidelines we may need to suspend their account - protecting the community from malicious users is a top priority for the community team. We are hoping though that this will never be necessary!  


For more information on the community terms of use you can visit this page (warning, it’s full of legal jargon). 

Our goal is to create a safe and healthy community where our creators feel inspired to share, connect and collaborate. We count on you to make this work! 


We reserve the right to modify these guidelines depending on the needs of the community.

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