I’ve been using an embedded from for about 3 years now. And then it stopped loading on the website.
On the website it will say “[my account name].typeform.com refused to connect.”
I’m stymied on what the problem is because nothing really has changed. Here’s what I’ve tried.
- In my Typeform account, I’ve confirmed that the form still works. I can go directly to it’s link and it loads perfectly
- On my website hosting- and locally- I’ve tried re-copying the code snippet (the full page version). I’ve also tried other formatting like the Standard and Pop-Up options- but they do not work.
I’ve confirmed that my hosting looks fine- I can make other adjustments to the website and it works fine content changes/color changes). And I’ve confirmed that the form is not broken on Typeform. It seems like it’s the relationship between the two items? I’m not sure what else to try.