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Hi everyone, I have read through the threads, but my question is somehow not answered. I have integrated my typeform forms on my website with the CMS “Contao”. I just inserted the code and it works great. But: Unfortunately, my Typeform forms always only display “directly via unknown source”. The website is linked to Hubspot and Google Analytics. The source in Hubspot is displayed via other forms on the page. My Typeform forms are also linked to Hubspot and Google Analytics and I have set the sliders for “Form settings” and “Tracking” to “on” (Utm_source, Utm_medium) etc. today. Can you help me? What else could be the problem? 

The embeded code is: <div data-tf-live="01JD4HBP7XPDN96ATF9FAK279C"></div><script src="//"></script>

I changed it to: <div data-tf-live="01JD4HBP7XPDN96ATF9FAK279C" data-tf-transitive-search-params=""></div><script src="//"></script> but nothing changed.

The page it’s embeded is:

Do I need to change the URL? I do understand why and how..

Hi ​@AlinaEf Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community. You may possibly just be missing a simple step, such as saving the code/settings in the typeform builder. Do you mind checking the steps here to ensure each one has been done? 

Let me know if so!

Hi ​@Liz thanks for your reply! I did all the steps and also saved and published the form. The only point from the list that I don’t understand is:

7. Make sure your website URL includes the UTM parameters you activated: utm_source and utm_medium. It should look something like this:

Is this relevant for me since I embedded the form in the website?

Any idea or hint ​@Liz ?:)

Hi ​@AlinaEf Yes! You’ll definitely want to make sure your URL still has those parameters in them. (I believe I just mentioned this in another post with you - sorry, I just now realized that my answer there related to your question here!).
