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How to integrate Typeform score quiz results with Zapier for personalized email flows?

  • 25 June 2024
  • 9 replies

Hi Community!

I’m quite new to Typeform and I'm currently struggling with integrating the end results of a ‘score quiz’ with Zapier. I would really appreciate any guidance or suggestions you might have.

Here's my situation:

I've created a 'score quiz' in Typeform with multiple choice questions. The idea is to send each participant a personalized email with their end results. There are five different end results, each corresponding to a different business model.

Question 1: Hiding End Results in Typeform
Currently, the quiz calculates a score based on the total points from the answers. Each score range corresponds to a different business model. For example:

10-17 points = E-commerce
18-26 points = Content Creation, etc.
However, I don’t want to display these score ranges or business models directly in the Typeform endings. Instead, I’d like to send automated emails with the results through Zapier. How can I hide these endings in Typeform and still ensure the total scores are calculated correctly?

Question 2: Creating Personalized Email Flows
I want to send follow-up emails with the quiz results. There will be five different email flows, each tailored to a specific business model. For example, if person A’s result is ‘E-commerce’, they should receive a different email flow than person B, whose result is ‘Content Creation’. How can I create these five distinct email flows, each providing in-depth reasons why a particular business model is a good fit for the participant?

More Context
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reach live support yet. I hope this explanation is clear. Essentially, I want to create a score quiz with five different business model outcomes and send personalized email flows for each result.

Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!

Much love,

Abdi 😃

Hi @qbdigm I hope you’re having a great Tuesday so far! Thanks for sharing all this - definitely helps me understand what you’re looking to do!

Have you seen this post below? 

Essentially, you would follow the same steps except where they have the ending IDs, you would instead replace that with the form score. 

Hi Liz,

Thank you so much for your response and for sharing the article! I just watched the video from the link you provided and I'm really excited to get started with it myself. What I particularly enjoyed about the article is how it combines a DIY approach with examples from Justin and Brian who have already done it and are transparent enough to share their process. Kudos to them for being so open!

I’ll dive into it and see how I can apply those steps to my project. If I have any questions, I’ll definitely reach out. Thanks again for your help, and have a great day! 🍀

Woot! Glad to hear it, @qbdigm . Let me know how it goes and if you need any help setting that up!

@Liz hope you’re well.

Thanks for providing the right resources. They have been very helpful, but I am stuck on step 5: 'format the body of your email.' I have taken a screenshot to better explain the situation:

  1. The yellow section of the confirmation email should display the business model from the quiz. I used data from the lookup table, but it’s not working as intended.
  2. The URL in the blue section is not showing as a clickable link, only the ending IDs are visible.

I feel like something is missing to properly display the data. Can you help? Thanks a lot for your time and assistance!


Hey @qbdigm 

In the screenshot, you picked the fields “choices ID” and “outcome id”, so this is expected.

I believe there is another field available “choices label” which should give you the label of the selected choice instead of the id.

For the outcome, I don’t think it exists, but what should be the form of the download link?

Hi @picsoung 

Thanks for your response!

I have revised the email by not mentioning the outcome choice of the business model. Instead, we have general text for each individual because none of the choices labels we put on is showing a correct outcome.

The problem we still have now is the outcome link from the lookup table. Eventually, the final URL links will be a PDF document link, but for now, the examples we are using are URL links like:,, etc.

We feel like the name of the outcome label has been changed because step "5. Finally, format the body of your email!" of the instructions on this page does

not align with the same value we are using. It seems like the only correct name label with the right outcome is the first name. I have the feeling that we are missing something, so I have added another screenshot of the "Utilities in Formatter by Zapier" and "Send Email in Gmail" so you can see what the input and output looks like.

Thanks again for your help!


Hi @qbdigm Thank you for the screenshots! Do you mind going to task history in this zap and take a screenshot of the very last step so we can see what data it sent to Gmail to send out? 

Hi @Liz Thanks for your response! 🙂 I have taken a couple of screenshots from the overall history into this zap history which I have created. It's pointing to the "To" but I thought this field already had the right label of the email address.

I appreciate your help.


That’s odd that it would say the email field. @picsoung have you seen something like this with Zapier? I don’t know how the email field would affect the URL link in the body of the email. 
