First answer… No need for the redirect. Hidden field works.
FYI. The integration of typeform in Thinkific is to add the variable syntax {{email}} in place of the Typeform URL email=xxxx. when setting up the course multimedia lesson.
The fields seemed to map to AC, but I haven’t gotten an actual result passed across yet. Typeform hasn’t notified me via email of a completion either… Still watching.
@joanm - welcome from another user.
looks like you are on the right trail. Pardon me for asking the Captain Obvious question: you did re=publish the typeform? ( i raise my hand noting that i have done it several times and banged my head on the desk when i realized i had not published the changes)
i just checked on one of my test forms and got an email notification of submission working.. so it isn’t the typeform back end.
if this is still an issue for you, you can always raise a help ticket by going to this link - that way you will have the customer support team working on this as well as someone else in the community who may be able to provide an answer for you.
not perfect but good luck in getting to resolution
@john.desborough .
Ah, yes. Publish. right up there with reboot too! LOL. I did for the insert name. I might again in case I did the setting to notify me afterward I published. I may need to wait and try again with my moring coffee. I’ve been at this all day!
Thanks for reaching out. Nice to not be out her alone.
@joanm - i agree with waiting till morning coffee.. if the you NEED to press the publish button it will be bold-ish and ‘grayed’ out if no changes needing to be published (a wee visual clue) ..
hang in there! it will get there!
Add on question… when mapping from typeform to AC the Typeform field is “email.” Does is need to indicate the email comes form a hidden field value?
Hi @joanm I don’t think you need to indicate that it’s a hidden field, but if run into any issues, please let us know!