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typeform / airtable connection - orc, elf, and goblin 

I got error as below

I tried multi select / drop down at Type form into multi select / single select at air table. but it did not work.

I am not sure what kind of options I added. I just followed the guide of typeform.

Please advice.


Hmm...not a perfect match

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orcelf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orcelf, and goblin in the Airtable field you're matching wit


Hi @typeusers thanks for stopping by! When you’re connecting the two platforms together, the answer choices in Typeform need to be exactly the same in Airtable. Can you check to be sure they match? 


Hey @typeusers (cool name!) . Did you manage to get this working? 

Happy Friday :vulcan_tone3:


We have the same problem than @typeusers, and the same message. 

The problem is only on one question always the same one under the 16 others. We double checked if the question on Typeform and Airtable was the same. We also tried to replace the question and the solutions, it didn’t change anything, we generate another API key, and the problem is still here.

What can we do? Is there any restrictions about connecting Typeform and Airtable? 

Thank you.


Hmm...not a perfect match

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orcelf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orcelf, and goblin in the Airtable field you're matching wit

Hi @Oyena Do you happen to have any spaces after the questions/answers? It’s small, but I’ve noticed spaces cause issues with the integration. 

If not, do you mind sending a screenshot of the question/answers in Typeform and Airtable? I can take a second look with you to see if I can spot the issue. 

Hi @Liz

We already checked this. 

I can send you the screenshot but you won't be able to all the words on the one from Airtable. 

Thank you. 


Hi @Oyena Thank you! I can’t quite tell from the screenshot, but are all the changes made in your Typeform published? You’ll know because the publish button will look like this: 


Hi @Liz You’re welcome. We didn't publish it yet because we are trying to have the best way to collect the answers. The quizz we are making is much longer. 

Thank you

Ah, you’ll first want to publish the form in order for this to work, and if it still doesn’t after, please let us know, @oyena!

My bad, we publish one part of our quiz to be able to test it. Then we published one part before to do it with all the quiz. We create one specifically to be able to see how the answers will appear. Then the problem is the same from the beginning. 


Thank you

Hi @Liz, we included in our typeform logic different paths to be able to have a result at the end of the quiz, but when we try to have the results those logics don’t appear, is it normal? 

thank you

Hi @Oyena I’m afraid I don’t quite understand - do you mind sharing a few screenshots? This will help me understand the issue better! Additionally, would you mind clarifying the parts of the quiz you’re referring to? For example, do you have two forms? Thanks!


Hi @Liz We create certain logics to have an answer appropriate with all the answers. But when we export the results the logic doesn't appear, we can’t see how many answers we have in one logic and how many in other logic. 


Thank You

That’s the logic

Those are the results of the logic we create. Depending on the answers, this gives different results.  


HI @Oyena Hm, I’m still not quite understanding. Are you looking to see the answers your respondents submitted in order to reach the outcomes? Or would you like to send the outcome results to Airtable? 

Thanks again! Apologies for all my confusion. :sob:

Hi @Liz, we are looking to see the outcome results in Airtable but with the logic we put on the typeform. 

Don’t worry.


Thank you.

@Oyena  - i think the issue is that the outcome/ending page is NOT passed as part of the submission package. 

You would need to set up a variable that captures which outcome has been selected (like v_ending) and then based on the logic in the form, just before the submit button is pressed, you need to set the value of the v_ending variable with the appropriate value ie endingA, endingB etc.. that way it will be passed to the results table.



@john.desborough Thank you for your answer, we will try this out.

Let us know how it goes, @Oyena !

Just a note on this…. I have been troubleshooting this issue.  I had this symbol in my text * and it caused it not to connect.  Don’t know why but I tried many many different ways around this but at the end of the day removing the * symbol resolved the issue.

Thanks for sharing, @pdaughe1 . Super helpful! I really appreciate it. :grinning:

Hi guys,
I am also experiencing same problem:

Hmm...not a perfect match

That typeform question doesn't really go with that Airtable field. Try to make them match. For example, the typeform Date question works with the Airtable date field.

It is just a regular Multi Select field. After reading previous messages
- Form is published
- There are no * signs in question
- Tried Air table fields of different types, nothing works.
Any suggestions?

I am sorry, my bad. Found a solution. 
Turns out that it should be Single Select or Multiselect in airtable to match typeform question. 
And also it must have exactly same answers added to typeform, before it can accept it! 

Hi @ValdemarQ Ah! Thank you so much for the update! I appreciate it. Glad to hear you got it working. 😀

@Liz @john.desborough I’m also experiencing this issue. I’m trying to map a multiple selection picture choice in typeform to an airtable multiple select but I receive this error:


Hmm...not a perfect match 

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orcelf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orcelf, and goblinin the Airtable field you're matching with.


After reading previous messages:
- The form is published
- There are no * signs or trailing spaces
Any suggestions?

Would the question having any logic make a difference?

@sfstartup in order to directly upload answers from typeform to airtable the answers must have same type and match perfectly. Then it will work fine, however if you are unable to locate a mistake, simply use google sheets. Import answers from typeform to google sheets, and then from google sheets to airtable. Importing to google sheets removes step of checking for type match.

Hi @sfstartup were you able to solve the issue? Let us know if you still need some help!
