
Unauthorized error while creating a webhook


I’m trying to create a webhook for a form by API call but i ended with this 401 response.


    "code": "unauthorized",

    "description": "failed to verify authentication or no authorization to access requested resource"


Problem is scopes seems to be ok for me  : 


This token works well if i try to get the list of webhooks for a specific form.


Am i missing something ? 



5 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @pepef Thanks for stopping by the community! Do you mind sharing the API call you’re making? Thanks in advance. 

Ofc, there it is : 

curl --request PUT '<formId>/webhooks/<tag>'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer tfp_XXXXXX'

--form 'enabled="true"' 

--form 'url=""'


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @pepef Are you part of a couple different workspaces? One thing to note is that you’ll want to be sure the token your using is for the workspace where the form resides. If that form resides in a workspace you’re a part of (but not an owner of), you would need to get that token from the owner. 

@Liz I’m having the same issue, and I’m the owner of the forms. Anything I could do to fix this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

HI @gluca Do you mind sharing the request you’re trying to make and/or screenshot? Thanks in advance!
