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Hi Typeform Community, 


Keen to grab your advice.


The Typeform Basic package that claims to, ‘Send follow-up emails to respondents’.


We’d like to personalise the message using the fields that the respondent has submitted - is this achievable?

Currently the response states, 

We’ve received your submission.
Thank you & have a nice day!

Typeform sent you this email on behalf of a typeform creator. We aren't responsible for its content. If you suspect abuse, like suspicious links, please report it here



We’d like it to read, 

Dear eFirst Name],

Thank you for submitting your details related to eCompany].

We recorded your interest in product a] and we’ll email you on: âemail address], shortly.

Best wishes,


Hi @DEG Yes, you can personalize the message! You’ll want to do this following the steps in the article you posted, but if you’re running into any issues doing so, would you mind sending a screenshot of what you’re seeing? 

Thanks in advance!

Thanks Liz, 


This is the message I receive:


Content of your email

Subject line

Typeform: New response (typeform #W13ByOws)

Email contentPersonalize your email by recalling information from your typeform with the ‘@’ key.

Your typeform has a new response.

Log in to view or download your responses at

Team Typeform
How you ask is everything

Want your responses automatically sent to a Google Sheet, MailChimp, Trello, or your own CRM? Set up an integration to do that and much more:

Email editing temporarily disabled

The ability to edit email content is temporarily disabled to prevent misuse. In the meantime, you can set up Zapier and/or Slack integrations. If you have further questions please contact support.


Hi @DEG Oh! Thank you for sending this. Our support team should be able to help allow you to edit this email. If you haven’t already, you can contact them here. 

I also have the same problem that I get this error message if I want to edit my email content: 


Email editing temporarily disabled

The ability to edit email content is temporarily disabled to prevent misuse. In the meantime, you can set up Zapier and/or Slack integrations. If you have further questions please contact support.


Can you please help me with this issue?


gr Patricia

Hi Patricia, 

We ended up going with another form provider.


So you left Typeform if I understand you correctly? gr Patricia

Yes, that’s correct.  

Hi @Patricia van Spaendonck If you haven’t already, you’ll want to contact our support team here to help fix this!

Hi, @Liz 
I have the same inconvenience and I see that many other users have it too.

We have already contacted support more than once.

If you can help me too, I would really appreciate it.
As I see that it is a problem that is not specific but affects many users, couldn't you at least configure that by default the new email bodies to notify have @AllAnswers, that is, all the answers filled in the Typeform? That way at least most of the problems could be solved?

This is really a critical problem for us and we are considering ending the plan we have had for over 7 years. It's a step backwards, you can't affect us that way.


Hi ​@El Universal Did you hear back from our support team? Let us know if not!
