Which template to use? | Community
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Which template to use?

  • July 4, 2021
  • 1 reply

hola comunidad todo esto es algo nuevo para mi y quiero hacer una campana  de captacion y no se que platilla podria usar agradeceria mucho sus recomendaciones muchas gracias probe algunas pero se me hace muy dificil ya que no conosco mucho aun esto .



Hello community, all this is something new for me and I want to make a recruitment campaign and I do not know what template I could use, I would appreciate your recommendations very much, thank you very much I tried some but it is very difficult for me since I do not know much about this.

1 reply

  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • July 5, 2021

Hi @Dariaan. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


I hope you don't mind I'll answer your question in English. This is the language we use in the Community. Do you mind sharing more details about the recruitment campaign? We'll be happy to suggest a template 🙂 You can also start from scratch and create your form the way you prefer! 


Looking forward to hearing from you,
