Use different url based on custom variable | Community
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Use different url based on custom variable


I've started using videoask in the last couple of days and like the product.
I've passed variables into a videoask and used them to append to url's associated with multiple choice selections.

Something I'd really like to be able to do:
From a single multiple choice selection
   if custom_variable_1 is not "XXXX" use url_1/custom_variable_1
   otherwise use url_2/custom_variable_2
However, I can’t include variables in the logic.


As an alternative, I’m considering simplifying to just one custom variable and passing in the whole url.
However, when I try to set the Redirect URL just to custom_variable, I get the error:

   This URL looks invalid

Best answer by Grace

Hey @Uchiki you’ll need to add a redirect URL in there and then select the variables that will go at the end of the URL. I think that’s what’s missing here 🤔

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  • April 25, 2023

Hi @Uchiki welcome to the community, glad you’re enjoying using VideoAsk so far 😊

At the moment it’s not possible to assign custom variables to multiple choice options/logic but it is on our feature request board so I will add a +1 to it.

Would you be able to share the URL or screen shot of it here so we can check why it might be saying invalid?

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  • April 25, 2023
Grace wrote:

Would you be able to share the URL or screen shot of it here so we can check why it might be saying invalid?

Thanks for your prompt response Grace.


In the referral box, I type @ to get access to my variables, then select referral.

There is no other text there, so referral (with the highlight showing it’s a variable) is the only thing displayed.

It is then briefly displayed prefixed by https:// and with a trailing /

along with the error message.


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  • April 25, 2023

Hey @Uchiki you’ll need to add a redirect URL in there and then select the variables that will go at the end of the URL. I think that’s what’s missing here 🤔

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  • April 25, 2023


Yes, that works fine - adding variables at the end of an already valid URL.


I have two completely different URL’s that I want to redirect to for the same multiple choice selection.

A possible way of achieving that was to send the whole URL in via a custom variable, then just use that custom variable for the redirect.

However, this doesn’t seem possible.


Next approach is to redirect to a dummy URL along with two custom variables and redirect from there to the actual page based on the values of the variables ie resolve outside of videoask.

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  • April 25, 2023

Hey @Uchiki ah yes I see, or could you use that multiple choice option to jump to another step which has 2 further multiple choice options which link to each URL?

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  • April 26, 2023

Don’t really want to prompt the viewer to make that choice as they won’t really have the info to make the distinction.

Being able to access the variables in the conditional logic would be the neatest solution and you’ve added me to the people interested in that.


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  • April 26, 2023

Totally understand that @Uchiki I’ll keep you posted if adding variables to logic makes it onto the roadmap! 
