Can I add several VA videos to one site page? | Community
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I’m doing a landing page where people who went to my Intro course and did not buy, but want to keep going somehow will land.

In this page, I want to do several things:

  1. Identify their goals, why did they sign up for more (if they did not enroll in my program)?
  2. Get their feedback about the intro course.
  3. Give them a set of alternative actions, products and services suited to their goals based on #1.

It would be a lot for one VA. So I want to create 3 different ones.

Can I do this?

The sitebuilder on this page works with blocks and I can insert htm code in different blocks. So technically it is possible. At least from my site viewpoint.

But I wonder if the widgets are going to fight with each other, get misplaced or other conflicts.

Also I wonder if it is possible to set the video cover to static so that the visitor does not see my face talking all over the place, which I think can be overwhelming.

And any other considerations or settings that I may not know I need to know are welcomed.





Hey @Maria Mar great question!

I think the classic widget embed would end up in conflict if you were to embed multiple on the same page, but if you’re up for a challenge you could check out our advanced embed options article which has some code snippet examples for a widget carousel. Normally we recommend using it for testimonials but I think it could still work with 3 different videoasks. 

There’s also an example code for clicking an image or button to display the videoask, so if you don’t want the usual GIF you could maybe one of those too. 

Let me know how you get on, would love to see this in action! 

Hi Grace,

I think I like the idea of an image or button. The others are too complicated for me right now as I’m in the middle of a launch. So can I just take the link of a VA video and insert it in an image or button? If there’s something else I have to do, could you direct me to that option specifically, as I could not find it in all the advanced options?


Thanks for your prompt response and your joyful energy!


Hi Grace,

I think I like the idea of an image or button. The others are too complicated for me right now as I’m in the middle of a launch. So in order to have an image that opens as a popup, can I just take the link of a VA video and insert it in an image or button? If there’s a code I need to use, could you direct me to that option specifically, as I could not find it in all the advanced options? Maybe it’s the multi-tasking I’m doing with the launch and and and so many tasks, that’s frying my brain!!😲


Thanks for your prompt response and your joyful energy!



It’s OK, Grace. I had not understand to copy the code in that page. I’ll give it a try when I have a bit more time and let you know how it went. Thanks,


Hey @Maria Mar it’s definitely a bit more complex, but if you have a bit of time to play around with it then you would just need to copy the code and switch out the videoask URL for your own. 

You could also try an iframe embed instead of the widget if you would like multiple on the same page, although I think it will depending on what website builder you are using as to how it will look.

Let me know how you get on!
