Can you help with an academic study we are conducting with Typeform? | Community
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Hi there! We have a very aggressive goal of gathering 500 participants in a Typeform-driven study we are conducting on emotions.

Can you help? Can you participate? Do you know anyone who can? 

Privacy ensured-- we’ve passed university ethics review.

Hi @MindfulTina Thanks for stopping by the community! We’re happy to help provide any feedback you’d like on the form. 😀 Can you let us know what you’re looking for help with? 

If you’re looking for respondents, this won’t be the best spot for that, but there may be advice on where you can share the form from other community members here. 

Hey @MindfulTina! I hope you're having a nice day!

Make sure to let us know how exactly we can help you regarding your form. We'll be more than happy to do it! 😉

Nice survey @MindfulTina !

One thing that can help drive more engagement on this survey could be to partner with emoji news websites like emojipedia, or other publications.

And also add an incentive for people participating in the study, could be a raffle.

Typeform integrates with raffle solutions like Tremendous or AppyRewards

Hey @MindfulTina! I hope you're having a nice day!

Make sure to let us know how exactly we can help you regarding your form. We'll be more than happy to do it! 😉

Hi there~ THANK YOU! If you go to the link in my post and fill the form, that’s how you register. I then text you a link to the Typeform survey. 

Nice survey @MindfulTina !

One thing that can help drive more engagement on this survey could be to partner with emoji news websites like emojipedia, or other publications.

And also add an incentive for people participating in the study, could be a raffle.

Typeform integrates with raffle solutions like Tremendous or AppyRewards

Thanks! We do have a raffle to win one of 20 amazon gift cards. Thanks for the recommendations I’m always looking at emojipedia LOL!

Hi @MindfulTina Thanks for stopping by the community! We’re happy to help provide any feedback you’d like on the form. 😀 Can you let us know what you’re looking for help with? 

If you’re looking for respondents, this won’t be the best spot for that, but there may be advice on where you can share the form from other community members here. 

Thanks Liz! Yep trying to pin down good places for respondents and getting some good suggestions here.
