I’m trying to embed my typeform as a chat box. When I try to embed it normally (not chat box) there is alot of code and the integration works perfectly. When I change it to a chat box, it doesn’t work on my website and there are only like 2 lines of code. Is there a bug with typeform or is there a special way I’m suppose to integrate it? I’ve incuded it below. You can see the obvious difference.
This is the code for the chat box:
<div data-tf-chat data-tf-widget="N96cgNe0" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
This is the code for the normal typeform:
<div class="typeform-widget" data-url="https://form.typeform.com/to/N96cgNe0?typeform-medium=embed-snippet" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div> <script> (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script"),0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })() </script>