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"Address field" question type

  • 14 August 2021
  • 76 replies

Please consider adding an ‘Address field’ just like you have a ‘Phone field’. It’s important to be able to easily capture the customer’s address without having to go through 5 or 6 pages. I’m sorry if this is a repeat request but I think it’s a very important part of any registration or on-boarding form. Automatic integration with Google map or other API (such as algolia) would be great! 

  • Street address
  • Unit
  • City
  • Province / State
  • Zip / Postal Code
  • Country

76 replies

This feature is MUCH needed. Really, putting a hold on a lot of lead generation campaigns we would love to use Typeform for.

Userlevel 7
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Hey @edenmarketing! You mean the address field type question? 

Hey @edenmarketing! You mean the address field type question? 

Yes, exactly what this thread is about. Having to have 5 fields to get a user to enter their address consistently is a massive barrier. We’re actually looking at other form providers since this is basically a no-go and takes nearly a year to implement.

Hey @edenmarketing! You mean the address field type question? 

Yes, exactly what this thread is about. Having to have 5 fields to get a user to enter their address consistently is a massive barrier. We’re actually looking at other form providers since this is basically a no-go and takes nearly a year to implement.

We are running into the same issues, it’s taking way too much complexity to intake an address.

Hi @Liz any updates on the address feature?

Hi @Liz any updates on the address feature?

I’ve already moved on. Suggest you do also.

Also hoping for this feature to roll out as well.

Like other users have mentioned, it’s a bit annoying to ask people for multiple slides for their address info, or risk having a wide variety of formats in their entry if we give them a long form text box

Adding to the one year conversation for this simple mailing address feature. But this would be an amazing addition to these forms. One slide that accommodates for the following:

• Street Address 1 (Type)

• Street Address 2 (Type)

• City (Type)

• State (Dropdown)

• ZipCode (Type)

• Country (Dropdown)


Thank you! Can’t wait for this feature to be developed. It will be used. :)

Yes please +1 for address lookup/validation. We’ve been with Typeform for around 3 years and made do without it. Due to requirements for data standardisation in our business, and the high drop off rate for customer’s manually entering address fields, we are looking at options now to solve this

Commenting to be updated as well! Definitely waiting for this key feature

Userlevel 7
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Given the complexity of doing address validation where a Typeform may be used globally and the existence of numerous software applications that DO address validation for a living, I don’t expect Typeform to include this as native functionality.

I would expect at some point that an integration COULD be built to one or more application platforms but maybe we should look at finding out which tool would fit best into our unique ecosystems of software platforms that we use to support our business processes. Then we can approach that platform to suggest an integration with Typeform. 

I’ve looked at a number of the solutions that are listed in this article to see if they have an API that could be called and a number of them state that they have. To try and use them you would need to work with Typeform’s APIs and work out the process/logic flows that meet your business scenario.

It’s not an area in which i choose to play but there are other Typeform Agency Partners who handle this sort of integration. 

just my tuppence


Jesus… I was just about to ask this but seems like TF does not really follow up on their promises. Has anyone found an alternative to TF with an address field?

Really needing this added as well.

Have been a user for 5+ years.

Please add it already.

Hi @LouTheDeveloper Thanks for stopping by! I don’t have a timeframe I can provide right now, as they’re testing some options. As always, as soon as I have an update, I’ll post it here. :grinning:

Where is this update?! It’s an address field… it’s very simple to add one.

I would also like this!


I guess it won’t happen?

Figured I would also jump in and request this feature.  This may be a deal breaker for an ongoing subscription.  I don’t see how this is not a top 5 feature request. 

As a side note, I should also ask for a middle name field in the contact info at the same time here as that should be a less than 1 hour adjustment.

+1 here too. I’ve built address forms myself, querying an API like Mapbox is free and actually quite easy, but the point of looking at Typeform is so I don’t have to keep making custom forms anymore. Oh well

Up vote

@Wegs & Typeform team, what about the long promised address field also also mentioned in 


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Hi @lex It’s almost complete. 😁 Keep your eyes peeled on the community for an update!

Hi @lex It’s almost complete. 😁 Keep your eyes peeled on the community for an update!

Thanks for the update on this. Is it possible to edit what the fields say or even the preview? It’s conflicting with the region I’m collecting leads from. This is also a concern for me as for others.

Userlevel 7
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@NathanP The address block isn’t complete yet, but once it is, I’ll have a post about the features available in it. 😀


It’s now ready! Here’s the post:



@Liz is the address field also available in VideoAsk forms? I couldn‘t find it in the builder. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Balthasar - @Grace should be able to help answer that for you!
