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AI Translation: Questions about particular aspects of the design.

  • 14 June 2024
  • 9 replies

Question about your AI Translations. I understand that this feature is in Beta, but I wanted to get a clearer idea of what's happening before implementing on our end. Here's some questions I'd love to have the answers to:

  1. It seems like the translation is being done on-the-fly each time: will the translations themselves be consistent across users for any given language? (i.e. if a person takes the survey in AI-translated Spanish today, will another user who takes the survey in Spanish next week have the same translation for their survey - provided no changes have been made to the original English version?)
  2. If there are individual terms or words we'd like translated using a particular word or phrase is there a way to do that manually?
  3. Is it possible from the survey data itself to ascertain whether someone filled out their form using AI Translation?

  4. Does the survey data itself show what language someone used to fill out their survey (i.e. an additional "language" column)?

Separately, is there a way to implement browser-language initiated translations with professional translations into the same survey (where all data will be presented as English in dropdown responses?). I can see scenarios where using a professional translation would be valuable to add manually, but the browser-specific implementation is a fantastic feature, more-so if manual translations can be used alongside AI translations for less common languages to extend reach.

Hopefully these questions can receive a response. Happy to talk with anyone on the team about our use-cases as you develop this feature. Thanks much!

Hi @kcon Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a good one. Thanks for sending over these questions and feedback! 

Regarding your first point - you are correct, the translations are made in real time. With that, there is no guarantee that the exact same wording will be used for everyone. 

As for the following questions, we don’t have these features in our language translation. However, our product team just released this feature and is gathering feedback for their next round of updates, so I’ll share this post with them!

Do you also mind sharing a bit more about your use case? That usually helps to give them some context on how particular features are being used. 

At a high level, we manage nationwide surveys for our community-based educational program primarily used by non-profits in the prevention space (and we are also a non-profit in the prevention space). I’ll explain the rationale for my questions below:

  • Survey verbiage & consistency is important if we intend to draw any conclusions from reported data. While on-the-fly translations are great for some applications, we’d need a consistent survey in any given language to use the data meaningfully or even answer the question of “what questions are on the survey”. Perhaps this could be run once and cached?
  • When possible, we’d like the ability to provide and lock-in an alternative translation for any given dropdown item, word, or phrase. The particular program I’m speaking of here was specifically designed at a particular reading level for a general audience over many years, and the ability to reach more people and also respond to confusing or erroneous words/phrases or tones would be incredibly important.
  • Likewise, one of the wonderful features of your current implementation is the "single-survey" that auto-translates pre-defined dropdown items into the same survey in the base language for analysis. It would be wonderful to be able to use this for professionally translated surveys as well, both to simplify the number of links or logic gates someone would have to maintain for a survey (i.e. there is one survey link), as well as allow a combination of AI translated surveys for smaller populations alongside professionally translated surveys within the same framework to reduce confusion.
  • On reporting: it is noteworthy when a user filled out their survey in another language for many reasons, so it would be important to collect this information with the other data collecting responses. It is also helpful to know which language was used for translation. This may help us identify growing needs and respond much faster with program translations, as well as identify possible funding to train and deliver more programming in that language.

Happy to share more and/or answer other questions. More info would likely be more easily/quickly shared over a call if anyone wants to have a chat at some point. We’re very happy to participate with feedback in the early stages of new features we believe could have a large impact.

Hi @kcon Oh wow, thank you so much for this! I really appreciate it. Let me pass this along first to our product team - I know they are actively looking into this feature. All of these points make sense, and it’s great to hear about this from a nonprofit standpoint, too. Thank you for sharing this!

@Liz - Very welcome. Thank you for passing along. Have you heard anything back from the product team? Happy to talk directly if it would be helpful for development!

Thanks again.

Hey @kcon just a heads up, Liz is on holiday this week but I’m sure she’ll give you an update when she’s back 😊

Hey @kcon just a heads up, Liz is on holiday this week but I’m sure she’ll give you an update when she’s back 😊

Thanks, @Grace - hopefully the holiday is wonderful!

@kcon I got in a good nap, that’s for sure! 😁 Let us know if you still need any help!

@kcon I got in a good nap, that’s for sure! 😁 Let us know if you still need any help!

Glad to hear it. My remaining question is: “Have you heard anything back from the product team?”

I also wanted to reiterate that we’re happy to talk directly if it would be helpful for development!

Additionally, as I’ve been setting up other surveys (e.g. an official Spanish Translation) I’ve run into some other oddities as well (e.g. Yes/No questions are only in English, so to with adding the “Other” option to a question is only displayed in English).



Hi @kcon I’m afraid I haven’t heard back from them yet, and it might be some time, as we just launched all of our Typeform for Growth features. I know they’re busy making sure all of those continue to run smoothly, but I’ll have them reach out if they have any questions/inquiries. 😀
