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Under the Results tab -> Insights and Summary, the data is aggregated based on all views and responses from all users.

Question: Can the Insights/Summary shows stats based for a given survey member?

Requirement: We want to see how the a given survey end user response (numeric) have changed over time



Let's say the developer defines the key columns (email_id or first_name and last_name) that identifies a specific user
A drop down would let the developer select all or a given survey user
The stats should then show the total views/submissions for that member.

Another drop down to filter any column of type DateTime to filter by dates. Here we could filter by Submitted Date

A way to define one or more charts and the fields for each

I replicated the design in Google spreadshet as below, in the sheet 'Score' I have all the raw data.
In the sheet 'Chart' (shown here), the drop down at the top shows the unique emailIDs from from the first sheet. A function would only display the rows from Score sheet onto Chart sheet where the email matches the selection.
The chart display data for the filtered rows. Each chart for a unique set of fields.

The Typeform today shows the Big picture with Trends chart. If Typeform can display results and chart by specific survey member, as I did in the Google sheets, then Typeform would be one-stop-shop for most of the reporting features and developers will be less dependent on 3rd party tools.


Hi @jervin31 Happy Monday! This is an interesting request. We don’t have this option in our insights, but I’m happy to share the feedback. It looks like what you’ve already got setup with Google Sheets should do the trick for now!

Do you mind sharing more about your business/use case so I can pass this along to our product team? 

Hi @Liz , here’s the business case.

Use Case: Provide admin the ability to view a survey member’s response over time, in tabular and chart view.

Additional requirement: The developer should be able to identify what fields identify a member (member_id or email_id or first_name+last_name, ...), and the admin should have a dropdown to filter data by a member and date range

For example, if a survey user submits Job Satisfaction survey every quarter, then the admin should have the ability to view a chart view of how the user’s Job Satisfaction changed over time.

Thanks so much for sharing this, @jervin31 ! I’ll pass this along to the product team. I know that adding more functionality to reporting/data is definitely top of their minds!
