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Hi All, 


I have set up an awards application form for multiple questions. There are 12 questions at the onset that all applicants must complete and around 3 at the end. Dependant on the one of six categories they are submitting a nomination for on question 12 is dependant on where I want them to be directed. 

So for example inspirational leader goes to q13 to 16, inspirational trainer Q17 to 20 and consultant Q26 to 28 etc etc with all of them coming back to Q34 to 36 on completion of the 3 to 4 questions specifically relevant to their category.


I did it in simple version first which didn’t work so moved to advanced logic as per tutorial. It looks right and overview map is perfect...but when complete the survey that's not what happens they just end up going from each question sequentially - tried a million variations. Not sure what I am doing wrong!!! 


Also some that I marked as mrequired] in the early ‘all to complete’ set in the survey via share button don’t restrict people moving on if don’t complete??!!! 


Any help gratefully received .




Hi @Michelle@tpot ,

Welcome to the community! 

As a fellow community member who enjoys helping when possible, would you mind sharing screen shots of the logic map and questions? And just checking to see if you’ve ‘Published’ the changes? Not clicking Publish is a common problem for most of us in this community, including myself (on more than one occasion lol). 

Let me see if I can help you. If not I can tag another person or two that might be able to help. 


Hi Vicki, 


Thanks for reaching out. Here is the screen shot. I have now managed to get most of  it flowing and wondering / assuming now that the issue between leading 25 forward is sending it back to questions 22 -24? but guessing. 

And yes embarrassingly to say out loud - most of the issues were failure to have pressed ‘publish’ after I had made the changes!!! 

Warm Regards


