Logic Set Not Working | Community
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Logic Set Not Working


I thought I mapped out my logic set using Branching and Calculations here

I can’t get the logic set to work - everything ends up as “E” the “other” option. 

ANY help is appreciated - I’ve been at this an embarrassing amount of time! 

Sample screen shots below.  I’m pretty sure my math is right, so I’m missing a button or a “if/then” stop, etc. 


Best answer by Liz

Thanks, @auluminatereiki ! If the ‘other’ option allows them to enter a response, you’ll want to remove this capability and manually type in your own ‘other’ option that does not allow for additional responses to be added. 

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  • 14840 replies
  • June 13, 2022

Hi @auluminatereiki Happy Monday! I think you could actually make this easier by using an outcome quiz (which is essentially the same thing) instead. Then, you wouldn’t have to do any math. The math option was primarily for a previous builder we had that didn’t have the outcome quiz as an option. 

Let me know how that goes for you!

Thanks, Liz! 

How does the ending of “other/none of the above” work in this case?


I think I reset my quiz to be an outcome, but I don’t know the logic for a mixed answer set where the math doesn’t link cleanly to A B C or D - - - I have an “E/other” result I want to direct ppl to, if needed. 

So, if their answers are mostly A, B, C or D, they can route to those endings, hopefully. But I’m not sure if I have any action items for the Other ending.

Community Team
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  • 14840 replies
  • June 13, 2022

Hi @auluminatereiki Are you allowing people to enter their own response in the ‘other’ section? If so, I would either remove that option or change it so you manually type in ‘other’ for them to choose (but not add their own option). 

Other is hopefully meant to be the default answer if a majority of the answers are varied (a mix of A, B, C, and D with little to no repeats). 

Community Team
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  • Answer
  • June 14, 2022

Thanks, @auluminatereiki ! If the ‘other’ option allows them to enter a response, you’ll want to remove this capability and manually type in your own ‘other’ option that does not allow for additional responses to be added. 
