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How to define logic

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Hola from Spain


Sorry but I didn’t found the answer to my question regarding logic.

My case.

In Step 1 the respondents can choose between A, B, C and D to define the categories of his products.

If they choose A, they will arrive to 2nd Step and they has to select between A1, A2, A3 or A4. The same with B, but for C or D they will continue to another Step called X.

The point is that if I define multi-select option, and they select A and B in Step 1, they go to Step 2 to select A1, A2, A3 or A4, but they can not go to another 3rd Step to choose between B1, B2, B3 or B4.

If I cancel multi-select option they will jump directly to the next Step.

The only solution I see is to add a Back multi-purpose option with multi-select and remind them to check it once they have selected the options that fits better.

Any advice?


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  • August 8, 2022

Hola @IvanLC 😊

If they complete Step 2 and select A1, A2, A3 or A4 will they always need to then go to a 3rd step to select from the B1, B2, B3, B4 option? Or is it sometimes they need to select both and sometimes they should just move on? 


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  • August 8, 2022

Hi Grace, 

that’s the point: sometimes yes, sometimes no.


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  • August 8, 2022

🤔 I think since they need to select an option from A1,A2 etc it wouldn’t work to add a “go back” option here, but maybe the next step could have multiple choice and give them the option to continue or go to the B1, B2 selections? 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • August 8, 2022

@IvanLC - it seems like you are missing a logic rule on the end of question A : one that says “if answer to q1 = B then go to B question otherwise go to xxxxxx” 


if you want to show some screenshots of your logic rules it might help


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  • August 8, 2022

Thanks Des for your help.

Yes, with images you’ll better understand my problem.

We’re the Spanish AgTech Association, we join Hardware and Software companies that digitizes Agro / Livestock companies.

I’m setting up the Registration Process to become a member of our Association.

In this procedure this AgTechs companies can define 5 differents Technologies or Platforms:


They have to define which is there Technology (we called them ‘Verticales’):



I would be the case that a company has a Sensor…


… and he has to select the most suitable option:


The problem is that maybe his technology is integrated with an App, so I need to put the “« Añadir más Verticales” button so they will have the chance to come back to Vertical Step again.


If they select App, I show them this:


And I need to repeat this procedure for every Technolgy they have.

Is that ok?


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  • August 8, 2022

Hi @IvanLC I think it makes sense to add the “« Añadir más Verticales”  and use logic to jump them back to pick another option if they need to

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • August 8, 2022

@IvanLC - what might work as well is to consider ‘separate typeforms’ for each now Vertical/Technology that they want to choose .. so that after the first one, when they add another vertical by clicking the button, it takes them to a ‘new’ instance of the form that starts with the technologies etc. - you can create this as a ‘shorter form’ and pass the email address etc that you need carried across as hidden fields in the URL string. 

This will make sure that when they submit the first form/vertical info and are asked if they want to do more, that you get the details submitted each time they enter the info in the shorter form as well.. 

you can send them to the ‘shorter form’ over and over again to collect the details on the additional technologies.. 

just a thought.. 



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  • August 8, 2022

Thanks a lot Grace and John for your quick response.

I will think about it and consider all your opinions but the main problem I see is that VideoAsk has the limitation that he can not “remember” to go to other Steps in the case that you choose different options in a multi-purpose reply, I’m obligate to configure it one by one.

