Budget Builder | Community
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Budget Builder

  • February 28, 2021
  • 1 reply



I’m hoping someone here can help!  I want to have a client build their own budget.  In reviewing a few of the videos and questions, I think this is considered “scoring”???  But I cannot find exactly how to do what I want. 


I want to build a total dollar amount based on the summation of each answered questions.  The questions are based on a “good / better / best” scenario where all

  • “A” answers are Good
  • “B” answers are Better
  • “C” answers are Best

and each  individual A/B/C answer has an assigned dollar amount.


The user would pick one answer from each question and the final page would show them the total of each of their answers.  Can I do this??  I’m new to typeform and checked many of the templates but didn’t see this type of thing.  I started the form so could share (if that’s possible). Can it be viewed if not published???  https://j16w5ia5hqq.typeform.com/to/t17YFXuu





Best answer by Mariana

Hey @psdesigner. Welcome to Typeform and to our Community! :grin:


First, you can create a variable called "budget":


Then, you add the calculator to each possible answer. I've done an example with the option "Good". You'd add another one for "Better" and also "Best". 


Since you will "add" the numbers, the final result will be the sum of all these responses, aka the budget. 🤩


Lastly, in order to share your form with other people, the form needs to be published. 


Let us know if you have any questions when following the steps above. We'll be happy to help :) 

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  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • Answer
  • March 1, 2021

Hey @psdesigner. Welcome to Typeform and to our Community! :grin:


First, you can create a variable called "budget":


Then, you add the calculator to each possible answer. I've done an example with the option "Good". You'd add another one for "Better" and also "Best". 


Since you will "add" the numbers, the final result will be the sum of all these responses, aka the budget. 🤩


Lastly, in order to share your form with other people, the form needs to be published. 


Let us know if you have any questions when following the steps above. We'll be happy to help :) 
