@Megan C - are there specific question for each ‘score of 8’? the same set of 3 questions that would be asked for any score of 8? or just 3 questions that would be asked once if there was a score over 8?
if you want to head to the followup questions after all 10 are answered but want responses for each possible score of 8 or higher you would need to put in logic like this on q10, based on having a question group created for the followup questions of each opinion question :
- if q1 is GTE 8 then go to question group for q1 follow up
- if q2 is GTE 8 then go to question group for q2 followup
- …
- if q10 is GTE 8 then ….. q10 followup
- othewise go to ending(???) or other question
the logic would be look at each statement until one condition is true
in the q1 followup group, on the last question in that group you would add the logic like this:
- if q2 is GTE 8 then go to question group for q2 followup
- …
- if q10 is GTE 8 then ….. q10 followup
- othewise go to ending(???) or other question
this would check to see if you needed to stop at the q2 followup area…
you would repeat this at the end of each question group but ensure that you were always starting the logic rules in the question group to go to the next grouping..
sort of like a declining list of logic rules as you go on..
does that make sense??