Hi again, @Sibqo ! You can first find this information when making this call here. Then, in the JSON, you’ll find the information you’re looking for.
Let me know if you have any troubles finding that information after making that call!
I have run the request https://developers.typeform.com/responses/reference/retrieve-responses/
but still I am not getting any “response_id” and “field_id” in the response of the respective call.
Hi @Sibqo If you feel comfortable doing so, can you paste one of the responses from that call here? I can then highlight where to find this info.
the attached screenshot is of call “retrieve responses”
Hi @Sibqo Apologies for the delay - do you mind sharing the screenshot again? It didn’t seem to attach. :(
Hi @Sibqo thank you! Has this form collected any results?
Thankyou so much. your guidelines are really helpful for mein resolving the call issue.
Glad to hear! Let us know if we can help answer anything else, @Sibqo . 
Hi @Sibqo
To follow up for anybody that would have the same issue.
If you want to retrieve a file that has been uploaded via your typeform you need to use the Retrieve Response File endpoint.
To call this endpoint you would need few things:
- form_id, it’s your typeform id, its the 8 characters string in the url usually after “/to/”. example: https://kiki.typeform.com/to/KKS7qMpL
- response_id, is the id of this specific response, you will find either in the Responses API or the webhook payload
- field_id, the id of the question field that is a file upload. You can get either via the Responses API or by looking at the form definition of your form https://api.typeform.com/to/{id_of_your_form}
But you should not this to create this URL manually, as the Responses API and the webhook payload both give you directly the response in the form of
"field": {
"id": "jrWzekvzk2O9",
"ref": "f5a13563-adc0-4710-ac2b-dbc2a601743d",
"type": "file_upload"
"type": "file_url",
"file_url": "https://api.typeform.com/forms/DqvzRJgo/responses/x9o9y1iw3fellcmr379e9x9o9y1iwt3c/fields/jrWzekvzk2O9/files/3417a2798f67-_wunexf.jpg"
And you can just extract `file_url` and call directly this url via an authenticated call.
Hope it helps