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If I want to share the link of my Typeform I get the error

no healthy upstreamHow can I fix this?

Same issue here now.

It seems to be back up now

Fixed for me. Try again folks…  

Folks - always check the page for alerts and outages - you can even sign up to be sent notifications of outages

just sayin’




my survey clients are getting “no healthy upstream” on my survey link. Is there a current outage?

my survey clients are getting “no healthy upstream” on my survey link. Is there a current outage?


Experiencing the same. It’s been happening all day (and perhaps yesterday, as my volume is WAY down). 

Does anyone have a fix for this? Typeform support also seems to be offline...

My typeform is down, when will it be fixed? 

Seriously getting in the way of us getting results from running ad campaigns! Status.typeform says there aren’t any outages or issues. 

I have the same issue.

“no healthy upstream”

It happened the same today “No healthy upstream” message appeared in our forms… Then, it disappeared with no further notice.

if you check, you will see that the Typeform Support team has been working on this and has posted the following: 

Oct 28, 2024

Typeform Renderer - Forms intermittently unavailable

Resolved - We are glad to inform you that the fix has been implemented and the incident resolved. We will run a problem investigation to understand what happened and how to prevent it from happening again.

Thanks for your understanding & sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
Oct 28, 13:39 CET

Update - We are working on resolving the traffic interruption impacting the loading of some typeforms with high priority.

We are really sorry for any inconvenience this is causing. Next update in ~30 minutes or as soon as it's available.
Oct 28, 13:01 CET

Identified - We have identified a brief traffic interruption that affects the loading of typeforms. Some users may intermittently encounter a "no healthy upstream" error while attempting to load their forms. We are working on a resolution with high priority.

Next update in ~30 minutes or as soon as it's available.

REF: ZD 808202 | INC-68

I got “no healthy upstream” also...please fix this as we can’t generate leads.
