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Product Quanity Delima

  • 28 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Okay guys - and TypeForm Dev Dudes -

I have a form where our team submits a marketing request - it could be a presentation, a one sheet or a graphic email - we’ve recently added merch to the list.

I currently have it as a picture selection option. They can select multiple items - cups, speakers, shirts etc.

how does one use the recall function to list the items if multiple are selected
b) is there an options to list them all out on a page and add a text field that asks for quantity
c) how is the picture selection supposed to function - is that really a “pick on and move on” or is it a “pick one and use the next field/question for quantity”
d) IF the later is the way- that means a quantity question needs to be created for each product listed in a category. Correct?

For example - if i have an “summer section” and it has flip flops, sunglasses and tumblers in it - each one of those items will need a workflow question to show a quantity - THEN we’ll have to have logic the shows this item was picked and this is the quantity for said item. (is that a statement page? I need to look at how to set one of those up)

What WE SHOULD HAVE is an option on the picture selection - to select an option to enter a quantity in a pop up field if an item is selected.

I realize this question is a bit all over the place but think it reads clearly. Please feel free to let me know if you have any insight or direction.

What I fear is that I will have to create a quantity field for each item in the picture selection list and we all know what that will do the logic workflow.

Thank you in advance and pleas let me know if i need to clarify anything.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @jchambers Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re having a good one. 

Sounds like an interesting form! To help answer your questions, 

  • A: When using the recall feature, it will show all of the answers provided in the question being recalled, including all selections. 
  • B: I’m not quite sure I understand this question. If you’re looking to have a respondent select a picture and then the quantity of an item, you would then need to use a picture choice question alongside a number/short text question. 
  • And yes, that’s correct! You can see an example of how to set this up here

Hopefully this helps a bit!
