Hi all,
I have created a form in my workspace, and I can see, when in “create”, the title of the form in the middle, and the questions listed on the left - all normal.
But when I do “preview”, even after publishing the last changes, of my form, I do see first the title, but when I start the form, the first question coming is actually the place placed on the 12th spot.
More precisely said:
my first question is name and first name; my 12th is “do you need a hotel everywhere on this tour”.
When I click on “start”, the first question popping is the one about the hotel.
I’m sure it has to do with logics, but can’t understand what the problem is (I’m not super keen on the new way of working those) - the problematic links looks like this, don’t know if that helps ?:

Do you think that is a logic problem ? maybe I did something wrong without noticing ?
Can’t reconstruct it :(….
Thanks a lot for any hint you may have!
Lovely day to all,