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Typeform sending infinite requests to my webhook

  • 15 April 2024
  • 5 replies


I’ve created a Workflow on retool which works as my webhook. I then create a webhook on Typeform using the url from retool.

On submission of a Typeform it sends multiple/infinite number of requests to my webhook, one after each other. 

I’ve just deleted the webhook on Typeform when this happens as this stops it from making requests. I’ve deleted and recreated the webhook on Typeform twice.

Any idea why this is happening and if there is some work around? 

Hi @Natalie Wilkinson Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the webhooks sent within the “Connect” panel of your typeform? Thanks in advance!

Hey Liz, thanks for getting back to me. 
I fixed the issue, it was a result of my Webhook taking too long to respond to Typeform resulting in continuous retries even though everything was working. 

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for letting us know, @Natalie Wilkinson !

@Liz  Is there a way to disable webhook retries, if it fails we can do retry manually.In our case,  before the first request succeeds it automatically send another request , resulting in multiple messages to our customers. 

Hi @sunk8 We don’t have a way to disable webhook retries, but I’ll share this feedback with the product team. This is helpful for them to know why adding this option would be handy. 
