Hey Community!
We’re back with November’s VideoAsk update 🍂

Browser notifications
You can now enable browser notifications, which give you a reminder every time you get a new response to your videoask 🔔
So if, like me, you always have a million tabs open, you don’t need to be jumping back and forth to see if you got a new response, you can just switch this on and then watch the pop ups roll in!
For more information on how to enable and disable browser notifications, check out the Help Center guide here.
New 2,000-minute self serve plan
Due to popular demand we’ve extended the number of minutes available for the Brand+ self serve plan.
You no longer need to chat to a member of our sales team to increase your minutes, you can head straight to the Plan & Billing section of your account and simply move the slider along!
Before you go, check out our list of top tips & guides
- Move a videoask to another folder
- Send an email in Microsoft Outlook when you receive a response to your videoask
- How to change the position of a video in your videoask
- How to collect NPS feedback with VideoAsk
And don’t forget November’s videoask of the month featuring an awesome product demo 🦉