VideoAsk Product Digest - September 2022 📹 | Community
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VideoAsk Product Digest - September 2022 📹

  • September 2, 2022
  • 3 replies
VideoAsk Product Digest - September 2022 📹
Community Team
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  • 2576 replies

Hello and welcome to the September Product Digest! 


If you’ve had a little break for the summer, we hope you’re feeling rested and ready to dive back into creating some cool new videoasks 😎


We’ve been continuing to make little tweaks and updates, so let’s take a look at what’s new this month 👀


Screen sharing gets a makeover


This one has been a big contender on the VideoAsk feature request board, so we were extremely excited for the new screen share updates to go live!


Previously, when using the screen share function within VideoAsk, that’s all you could do, simply share your screen. Now you can use picture in picture mode to show your face as you explain your screen shares, adding that extra personal touch to the video.


If you don’t need or want to record yourself (we all have bad hair days let’s face it) you can switch face recording off and go back to a classic screen recording. 



If you’re a keen user of the screen sharing function you’ll also notice some updates to the way it looks, and also the countdown pips to help you get ready to record! 🔊



If you’ve never used screen sharing in VideoAsk before, it can be a great way to share information with respondents, check out our Help Center article here to learn all about it.


Video upload size increased


You can now upload larger file sizes to your videoasks! Now the limit is 500MB (previously 300MB for creators and 200MB for respondents) so you can show off some more editing skills or sneak past the two minute length restrictions with an uploaded video file 😉



You can choose to upload a pre-recorded video either when creating videoasks, or responding/replying to them 📽


Randomize multiple choice options


And finally, another update born from a feature request! It’s now possible to randomize your multiple choice options, making this answer type even more flexible 🤸


Toggle on Randomize and your multiple choice options will appear in a different order every time your videoask is viewed 🔎



Let us know what you think of the latest updates in the comments below, or tell us about any features you’d like to see in the future! 

Plus check out our September videoask on the month, demonstrating how VideoAsk can be used for a virtual tour of a co-working space 💻


🤳 Do you have any feedback for the VideoAsk product team? We’d love to hear from you, check out the post here to get in touch 🗣

3 replies

Ethan M.
  • Typeform
  • 10 replies
  • September 2, 2022

Woohoo! Screen sharing just got 100%. I also love the little sound bleep before it actually starts recording. Much better than the curtains if you want to start your Video looking into the camera.


I would love to be able to highlight clicks/keystrokes when screensharing, and zooming into specific parts of the screen.


Great job, team!

Community Team
  • Author
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  • 2576 replies
  • September 2, 2022

So glad you like it @Ethan M. and great bit of feedback there too for screen sharing part 3 haha! 😁

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • September 2, 2022

Th screen sharing is amazing!!! Thanks for the updates, @Grace!